Did Cody really no sell the maestro arm snap
He faced incredible odds winning the match with a broken freaking arm*
We all should admire Cody and his incredible will. He's our hero.
I hate the other one, too.I hate Matt Jackson
Anywhere they’ve gone and the only time they’re portrayed as “tough” is when they’ve booked themselvesI hate Matt Jackson
I only want to see kickouts of finishers on PPVsKicking out of finishers should only be allowed by certain wrestlers, and only on certain occasions.
The "GMSI" mentality has ruined one of the few surprising moments in pro rasslin'.
This.Cody needs to be sat down and told that he can't book his own matches anymore because he has a penchant for pouring cold water on potentially hot angles.
This was an awful start to what should be a long-term feud between Cody and Penta.
I hate the other one, too.