So you mention your homie getting jumped and you help because that's your homie not because whoever else is already there... so what if your homie was out of town and and while they was gone, their homie and their friends where jumping you the entire time....when yout homie comes back would you make peace with the person that was jumping you because your homie is cool with both of yall? Naomi being friends with everyone is the actual problem. She didn't even attempt to check bayley on her past transgressions, she just walked in the room smiling.
Also this story of Jade riding coat tails is ridiculous. Say what you want about her wrestling she was a big deal out the gate. If anything teaming with Bianca has kind of cooled off her aura. The tag team was cool and all but in no way shape or form has Jade been riding Bianca's coat tails. Her fan fare has always been her own. Hanging with binaca or Naomi hasn't made her more popular.
I hear what you're saying. But Naomi is just wrong to me. I could've sworn when Bianca and Jade were advertised to host bad blood for weeks the night of the PPV Naomi was added to hosting duties... they was still looking out even though Naomi was kee keeing with Bianca's enemy. At the end of the day we all can't just get along. shyt happens and lines are drawn. Naomi wanted to ride the fence and got mad. Idk why they put Bayley on raw. The story would've been more interesting with Bayley and Naomi doing it together.
Bianca consistently beat Bayley's ass in one on one matches, so whatever Bayley did to Bianca, she ultimately paid for it. Eventually, Bianca herself let that go too.
That said, me personally? Nah, I wouldn't have let that go. There's no semblance of peace on the table until I get revenge that I'm satisfied with. From that point on, stay out of my way, I stay out of yours. But as I've mentioned, Bayley was there for Naomi in times of need during 2024. It may not have worked out, but Bayley tried for Naomi. It's perfectly natural to check for people who are checking for you.
You made a valid point when you mentioned that Naomi being friends with everybody is an issue. Naomi's character prior to Friday is generally too nice and trusting, so everybody likes her. I can see how that would be an issue, especially when she decides to do her own thing. Naomi generally let everybody come first but her. A good part of that is her fault.
I don't think Jade is riding coattails. They want her to be a big deal out the gate, and as I've said before, when she walks into a room everybody notices. She wasn't quite ready to be that in the ring, but she's just green and has to wrestle a certain type of match/with certain people until she puts it all together. The potential is significant. It makes sense for them to pair her with Bianca and Naomi. I wasn't expecting her to be on Bianca or Naomi's level in the ring, but she carried her side as best she could, and I have nothing but positive things to say about Jade.
But all that goes back to another point I made about how the WWE doesn't seem to know how to write a women's heel turn unless jealousy is involved. This was a perfect way to get into a story with complex emotions and feelings, where all sides can be justified in their stances.
A lot of this whole angle could have been solved if Naomi spoke up, pulled one or both of them to the side on some "I'm happy for y'all, and I love seeing y'all dominate the tag division, but I keep getting heauxed in my pursuits and I need y'all to be there for me because it doesn't feel like y'all are when I'm there for you two. It's all three of us, right?" or anything beyond "I did it for you."
Personally, I would have rather Bianca be the one who did it, as I'm interested in seeing her as a heel, but it's not good for external business (media, fan engagement, etc.) for Bianca to be a heel. She's on track to be a John Cena-level ambassador for the WWE. That person almost HAS to be a face.