aka #DiamondNightmare
Priest on one

Priest on one

I mean Naomi attacking Jade literally gave Bayley the last spot in the chamber. So Naomi used the attack for Bayley to gain Bianca's trust. And I don't remember Naomi being there for Jade and Bianca like that. I do remember Bayley and Naomi doing their thing together which is why Bianaca fell back. So actually this kind of started with Bayley so she has everything to do with it. Bianca is gonna come to the ring to help Naomi if Bayley is out there with her.
The walk out was real this. This is a storyline though. I just don't see how Bianca is at fault. I see it as naomi being weird and jealous 100% she took put Jade to get Bianca to trust bayley.
The whole laying the ground work is corny because again... nobody did anything to her. She's a delusional weirdo. For all of that she could've stayed in TNA
crowd is not giving a damm about this Priest attack
Yea I remember being pissed every time they had Lashley defend the title vs Drew because every match seemed like it was being booked for Drew to get the title backbabyface drew was so fukkin unbeatable for a while...i remember seeing him lose to Lashley at Mania was REALLY unexpected.
Jimmy doesn't belong on WM after last year's performance. He can win the Andre Battle Royal on the SD the night before.He beat Drew on luck a few weeks ago so this match is designed for Drew to get his win back.
Jimmy liable to not even make it on the Mania card at this rate. He gonna be getting more fat on catering.