I don't remember anyone cheating.... I'm pretty sure Nia beat her fair and square everytime and Bayley definitely beat her fair every time they fought in number one contender matches because they were both faces.
And Naomi is like a 14year vet.... why is it Bianca's job to prevent anything? Naomi should have some sense as the OG in this situation. She mad because her time has passed.
Also Naomi was tagging with Bayley the whole time and had support from her during her nia feud. Bianca made it clear that she wasn't fukking with Bayley at that moment and Naomi didn't wanna pick sides so she keot rocking with Bayley. Nothing you said makes sense and is not true.. but it sounds like the delusional thoughts going through Naomi's head right now.
Naomi faced Bayley for the women's championship, and Tiff Stratton interfered to cause a no-contest. Stratton and Candice LeRae cost her the title in a match vs. Nia Jax. It isn't out of the realm to expect your friends to see this shyt happening and make sure it stays one on one, whether you win or lose, especially when you ALWAYS pull up to help Bianca and Jade when they need it.
Naomi is the OG vet, which means she was in the trenches doing work back when the WWE didn't value women's wrestling like that. She crawled so Bianca and them could run. It wouldn't surprise me if she had envy over the whole situation and had felt overlooked for years, so I'll give you that.
As far as Bayley, Bianca was well within her rights to not trust her. And how did that work out? When the chips were down, it turned out Naomi was right that Bayley had changed, and when it mattered, Bayley came through for Bianca, and Bayley was coming through for Naomi as she helped even odds on occasion. I digress, as Bayley has nothing to do with this, even though SHE SHOWED UP TO HELP NAOMI vs. Nia Jax, and Bianca/Jade didn't.
All I'm saying, is that Naomi has a noted track record in seeing the good in people and being there for her friends when she can be, even at the expense of her job (see: the walkout with Mercedes/Sasha). She isn't wrong to ask that in return.
What Naomi should have done, is not take the route of Rock/Rikishi, but actually lean into what you mentioned and basically proclaim that Bianca and Jade don't happen in WWE if she didn't lay the groundwork first, and all that being the trailblazer that was never acknowledged got her was being overlooked and forgotten about AGAIN. But this would have required Naomi to get Bianca out the way before said reveal.