Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Trust, I could give a shyt because *JP Sorrow from the Lapsed Fan voice* "The shyts fake". Some of the TSC hated Miz winning the belt while this Koala was like
twice a champ. My biggest gripe with AEW is that they need to do something about this bloated roster expeditiously because this booking ain't it. WWE gets a pass because we all used to their shytty booking schemes, but AEW is like the new kid on the block and they want folks to take them seriously as a WWE alternative, but do some of the most blatant displays of WWE booking it's beyond funny
Its not the fact that Archer won, it's the fact of how he won.
It's not the fact that Nlya won, it's the fact that Britt in the Tourney would easily be money instead of a pushed for Nyla/Shida a match we DON'T WANT AGAIN.
The purpose for a tournament is the element of surprise and suspense then storytelling, not pushing a "feud" that failed the first three times.
Stop making Nlya/Shida a thing
I actually don’t think Nyla is gonna make it to the finals. She just there to be a monster to put someone over and make look like a legit threat.
Maybe fodder for the person that’s actually gonna beat Shida
Brit would be great as a champ and will be great but she really don’t need the belt. She kinda in that Okada, Rosemary, Briscoe Bros, AJ Styles, etc spot where they just cooking.
I guess that’s why I’m like

Cuz I don’t think she going far