
Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Maybe not buildup in a traditional way (Rock would have to get “match ready”, and free up his busy schedule and commit to facing Roman at Mania fully for it to be even close to a traditional buildup). But the head of the table endgame was always Rock. Sami and Cody were options to end Romans title reign. But people have been anticipating Rock to show up on some “I built that table you’re sitting at” type of time. Reigns even mentioning being head of the table in the first place makes people think Rock will be the one to show him who really runs it.
Are you saying you think Rock is going to be the one to end Roman's 3 year+ reign? :leostare:

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Imagine Hogan vs Rock, Roman will be tasked with carrying the match like Rock had to for Hogan. It wasn't a great wrestling match but it was a great spectacle that is iconic.
The difference is that hogan was 3-4 years younger and had been wrestling full time until 2000. Rock hasn’t had any matches in the last 11 years and is now 22 years removed from his time as a full time wrestler. His last run on tv where he was even on every week for more than a month straight ended 21 years back. He disappeared off tv 2-3 weeks after wrestlemania 18 until late June, was on tv July and August to put over Brock, went away until February 2003 and was there until April. Then he was there for about 3 weeks in 2004 to build wrestlemania 20 and didn’t work another match until survivor series 2011.

I don’t even think The Rock vs Roman Reigns will be a good match :hubie:

The build up with be incredible and the spectacle of it will make it highly entertaining but I haven’t liked any of Roman’s recent matches. His performances been lackluster.

Ironically Wrestlemania 39 against Cody was his last good match. The title match at Elimination Chamber against Sami Zayn is Roman’s greatest match ever.

I dont know at this stage The Rock can give Roman a good match. He’s not washed health wise but he still gotta take bumps and make sure he doesn’t blow up early into the match.
The only Roman match I’ve enjoyed in the last 2 years was the match with Rollins at the royal rumble. Every other one has followed the exact same formula.

Roman takes way too long to get to the ring (yeah I know taker’s entrance was long too, but he at least had cool lighting, smoke, and pyrotechnics), they take a long time locking up, Roman overpowers the other wrestler, we get a lot of rest holds, Roman talks into the camera and monologues like a Dragonball Z villain (think the Freiza on namek fight), good guy fights back into the match, there’s a ref bump/distraction, at least one guy interferes just as Roman is about to get beat, Roman hits a spear, 1-2-3, then he goes on vacation for another few months and the other guy has to find a way to get his heat back with nobody to work with. I skipped the 2021 one on one match vs edge, summerslam match vs Brock, the clash at the castle match vs Drew, the match vs KO at the rumble last year, missed half the match vs Sami in Montreal, and didn’t watch and of his matches last year after wrestlemania and I don’t think I missed anything special :manny:


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
And the family dog :pachaha:
He should take Cody’s pyro while he’s at it :mjlol:
Are you saying you think Rock is going to be the one to end Roman's 3 year+ reign? :leostare:
I don’t think he actually will. But I believe the perception in general has been. If anyone could dethrone Reigns. Who other than the great one? This was said especially after Cody lost at Mania last year.

Again, I think Rock loses. I also think it’ll be his final match (he retires).
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Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
He should take Cody’s pyro while he’s at it.

I don’t think he actually will. But the I believe the perception in general has been. If anyone could dethrone Reigns. Who other than the great one? Again, I think Rock loses, and retires.
The UFL season starts immediately right around Mania. There is a ZERO percent chance he beats Roman. Him doing so would be the worst match decision in the history of the business.