Because it was a bad idea and black Adam is only known for being Shazam’s villain.
Rock and Roman HAS to happen at WM.
Its entitlement because yall think that yall know what’s best for business so much that when it doesn’t go Yall way Yall start spamming all the rocks comments and wwe comments so that your voice can be heard.
Not any one of us has the right to really be this passionate about the booking decisions to be honest. Its a show at the end of the day either you watch it or you don’t
The idea that yall wanted the rock back and now that he is back yall are like he can wait until SS to get his match because we decided we need to see Cody finish his story now is entitlement.
Yall are saying if we don’t get what we want then we riot like yall are owed this is insane. Just because you don’t like something it doesn’t mean you should spam this man’s IG and every WWE account until they listen to you
I get what you are saying in that one should vote with their feet/wallet which I've done historically. If I don't like it I don't watch, I stop subscribing I check out. Hell I think at one point I stopped posting here in TSC like...2014? It was because around that time I checked out and stoped watching. It honestly was probably earlier because I hated the Reigns push.
I am a big proponent of not supporting something that doesn't give you joy. I have other things to do with my time.
At the same time, I think this view is not 100% accurate and I'll tell you why: I don't make any money from WWE. They don't pay me to watch their product, I pay THEM. So if they do things that I as a fan don't like, I have a right to air my grievances about it and tell when I think it's shyt. All fans do. Then as you said, I can stop watching.
I don't agree with the idea that no one has "any right to really be passionate". That makes no sense to me at all, what's the point of being a fan, of rooting for your team etc if you don't care and don't have a passion about it?
We're all here to talk wrestling and this is what it is.
But to your point, yes I will just stop watching and stop caring about it if I dislike it enough and there's nothing redeeming enough to make me still want to watch the program.