I was there on the cruise. Here some live notes:
I was standing to the side of the Titantron, so I had a good view of the ring.
-TV does not do the theme songs justice. I went from


over some of themes. Chris Jericho and PnP being the best to me
-Hangman was the 2nd most over next to Chris. Hangman really impressed me this trip. The crowd reaction for him made me

.He's definitely a future world champ in my eyes now .
-While the crowd chanted for SCU, Scorpio got the majority of the cheers. The crowd loved Scorpio Sky.
-Jake Roberts came out and stood at the Titantron to watch the tag title match.
-The woman's match brought the crowd down. Priscilla teased reaching down into her pants for a quick second. She got a mild pop for that. The audio was terrible for the Brit promo. Unless you were by the ring, you couldn't really hear it. I just heard people booing. Live, they went to commercial after the promo, but on tv they cut to it during it.
-The crowd singing to Judas was epic live. Damn near the whole boat was singing it
-Everyone got a free bottle of the bubbly. Ortiz took a bottle from a guy near the ring and Jericho sprayed it over people standing over by the ramp and gave it to someone in the crowd before he left the stage.
-When MJF threw the guy's hat in the crowd, the guy almost didnt get it back. The guy who caught it, thought it was a souvenir and was going to keep it. The crowd told him to throw it back, so he finally did.
-The MJF/Janela match brought the crowd back down from the previous match.
-The guy who dresses up as Jesus accompines someone who is ADA to the events. Thats the reason why you'll always see him in the front. ADA got front row seats on the announcer side of the ring.
- When Tony Schavonie got up to do the backstage interview with hangman and Omega, everyone assumed he went to the bathroom. We were surprised he didn't come back as the interview was not shown live.
-On the first night of the cruise, Mox didnt wear the bandage while wrestling. From the second night through the rest of the cruise, he sold the eye. Eventually he wore an eye patch.
-PAC apparently was sick starting the second day of the cruise. This was his only match during the cruise. He did an autograph signing and you can tell he did not want to be there. He looked miserable.
-At he beginning of the main the boat, a Disney cruise boat was pulling into port. The crowd started yelling f*** that boat over to the Disney Cruise. There were people on their boat trying to figure what was going on our boat. Thats why Moxley throw the birds to the crowd.
-It was windy as hell during the taping. They weren't selling any AEW merchandise, only Jericho crusie merchandise. The few hoodies they had, sold out quick.
-At the end Cody came out, thank us and said next year the show will be 100% live.
-The crowd audio was muted. It was much louder live. Also during the taping, it was the only time the ring was mic'd. It sounded weird hearing the ring bounce since the the previous two wrestling shows were not mic'd.
-I plan on writing more about the cruise later. Let me know if you have any questions about the taping