united states

  1. loyola llothta

    Corporate Welfare: China Tech Ban Mirrors 80’s Attempt To Destroy Japanese Competition

    Corporate Welfare:China Tech Ban Mirrors 80’s Attempt To Destroy Japanese Competition Jan. 15 2021 In the 1980s, the US imposed a 100% tariff on virtually all Japanese electronics and forced Tokyo to sign a one-sided trade deal that reserved much of its domestic semiconductor sector for...
  2. King Static X

    "How proud are you to be an American?" research poll

    SOURCE: https://www.moreincommon.com/media/s5jhgpx5/moreincommon_americanfabricreport.pdf
  3. loyola llothta

    China overtakes the US to become EU's biggest trade partner as Beijing's economy continues to boom p

    8 December 2020 China Overtakes the US to Become EU’s Biggest Trade Partner as Beijing’s Economy Continues to Boom Post-COVID while the Rest of the World Slides into the Red By AFP, AP and Sam Blanchard China has overtaken the U.S. to become the EU’s biggest trade partner while the rest of the...
  4. loyola llothta

    15 Asian Nations Sign Huge China-backed RCEP Trade Pact, The US is Excluded

    16 November 2020 15 Asian Nations Sign Huge China-backed RCEP Trade Pact, The US is Excluded By The Economic Times Fifteen Asia-Pacific economies formed the world’s largest free trade bloc on Sunday, a China-backed deal that excludes the United States, which had left a rival Asia-Pacific...
  5. loyola llothta

    The US Alliance with India: Bipartisan Issue of Strategic Importance

    31 October 2020 The US Alliance with India: Bipartisan Issue of Strategic Importance By Andrew Korybko The US’ alliance with India will remain a mainstay of its grand strategy regardless of who wins next week’s elections since it’s a bipartisan issue of the highest importance for its permanent...
  6. loyola llothta

    Chinese Presence in the Caribbean, New Global Power Encroaching on US Hegemony?

    2 November 2020 Chinese Presence in the Caribbean, New Global Power Encroaching on US Hegemony? Many analysts have been closely watching the growth of Chinese naval power and its increasing presence across both the Indian and Pacific oceans, collectively known as the Indo-Pacific region. What...
  7. loyola llothta

    US Implements New Measure Against Sending Remittances to Cuba

    27 October 2020 US Implements New Measure Against Sending Remittances to Cuba The new measure is part of the ongoing actions taken by the Donald Trump administration against Cuba. By Telesur The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury released on Friday a...
  8. loyola llothta

    Sudan Bends to Trump’s Pressure to Normalize Relations with Israel

    23 October 2020 Sudan Bends to Trump’s Pressure to Normalize Relations with Israel By Steven Sahiounie The US has taken Sudan off the list of state-sponsors of terrorism, and with UAE support to provide several billion dollars of aid, in exchange for normalization with Israel. US President...
  9. loyola llothta

    Some 3,500 U.S. Companies Sue over ‘Unlawful’ Tariffs on Chinese Goods

    7 October 2020 Some 3,500 U.S. Companies Sue over ‘Unlawful’ Tariffs on Chinese Goods About 3,500 U.S. companies, including Tesla Inc, Ford Motor Co, Target Corp, Walgreen Co and Home Depot have sued the Trump administration in the last two weeks over the imposition of tariffs on more than...
  10. loyola llothta

    US Asks Sudan to Normalize Ties with Israel in Return for Coming Off Terror List

    US Asks Sudan to Normalize Ties with Israel in Return for Coming Off Terror List Saturday, 26 September 2020 8:49 AM US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo poses for a picture with Sudan’s Sovereign Chief General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan in Khartoum, Sudan, on August 25, 2020. (Photo by Reuters)...
  11. loyola llothta

    Pentagon Used Taxpayer Money Meant for Masks and Swabs to Make Jet Engine Parts and Body Armor

    23 September 2020 Pentagon Used Taxpayer Money Meant for Masks and Swabs to Make Jet Engine Parts and Body Armor Shortly after Congress passed the Cares Act, the Pentagon began directing pandemic-related money to defense contractors. By Aaron Gregg and Yeganeh Torbati Excerpts of article from...
  12. loyola llothta

    US tells Kenya to publicly support Israel or forget free trade deal

    US tells Kenya to publicly support Israel or forget free trade deal The inclusion of a third party, Israel, in the negotiation agenda, has seen lobby groups in Nairobi warn that the agreement could be too risky to Kenya's interests. By AGGREY MUTAMBO Monday . 21 September 2020 IN...
  13. loyola llothta

    US companies are defying Trump's demands to 'decouple' from China

    US companies are defying Trump's demands to 'decouple' from China 09/09/2020 | BUSINESS INSIDER USA | ADAM PAYNE U.S. President Donald Trump meets with China's President Xi Jinping at the start of their bilateral meeting at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, June 29, 2019. American...
  14. loyola llothta

    The Calm Before The Storm: Fears Grow over China’s Possible Massive Sales of U.S. Debt as Weapon

    4 September 2020 Focus: Fears Grow over China’s Possible Massive Sales of U.S. Debt as Weapon By Tomoyuki Tachikawa With Sino-U.S. tensions escalating over several security and economic issues, fears are mounting in the financial markets that China may massively sell U.S. government debt it...
  15. Deflatedhoopdreams

    Big Oil Is in Trouble. Its Plan: Flood Africa With Plastic.

    Big Oil Is in Trouble. Its Plan: Flood Africa With Plastic. Faced with plunging profits and a climate crisis that threatens fossil fuels, the industry is demanding a trade deal that weakens Kenya’s rules on plastics and on imports of American trash. This is relevant because Kenya is one of the...
  16. loyola llothta

    Breaking News: US Resolution to Extend Iran Arms Embargo Fails. Trump Administration Humiliated

  17. loyola llothta

    SHADOW WARS: New Report Reveals US Special Forces Active in 22 African Countries

    SHADOW WARS New Report Reveals US Special Forces Active in 22 African Countries The US has roughly 6,000 military personnel scattered throughout the continent with military attachés outnumbering diplomats in many embassies across Africa. by Alan Macleod August 10th, 2020 A new report...
  18. loyola llothta

    Will U.S. Shale Survive if Oil Price Hits $40?

    28 May 2020 Will U.S. Shale Survive if Oil Price Hits $40? By Irina Slav Within a month, the U.S. oil benchmark West Texas Intermediate recorded two first-of-a-kind events. First, it fell below zero on April 20. Then, it soared up so high it is about to book its best month ever, CNBC’s Pippa...
  19. loyola llothta

    US Prepares to Withdraw from the Treaty on Open Skies

    26 May 2020 US Prepares to Withdraw from the Treaty on Open Skies On Thursday, May 21, American President Donald Trump announced the decision to withdraw the United States from the Treaty on Open Skies, signed with Russia and ratified by 35 other countries in 1992. Trump says the reason for...
  20. loyola llothta

    US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn

    25 May 2020 US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn S.3176 was passed without being named, debated, or even discussed, even though it would set into law the largest such aid package in US history. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee quietly passed...