united states

  1. Dreamestorical

    Africa: U.S. Military Holds War Games on Nigeria, Somalia

    Something to ponder... allAfrica.com: Africa: U.S. Military Holds War Games on Nigeria, Somalia (Page 1 of 2) Why did the U.S. government wargame the occupation of Nigeria?? Boko Haram financed by U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey?? "Among scenarios examined during the game were the...
  2. lightskinjezebel

    10 Reasons Why I Don't miss Living in the USA

    1. the “Food“ I remember when I arrived at my boarding school some classmates were complaining about how the steak and potatoes in the cafeteria wasn’t real. I was completely confused. How could that even be possible? Where does that even begin to make sense. After some time – I gradually began...
  3. The Real

    US Case Against Kim Dotcom/Megaupload is Falling Apart

    DailyTech - Dotcom Bomb: U.S. Case Against Megaupload is Crumbling The article is too long and strangely formatted to paste in here.
  4. Type Username Here

    For first time in decades, American middle class no longer the richest middle class in the world

    Income Inequality: American Middle Class Falls Behind - TIME
  5. Julius Skrrvin

    A quick look: US Imprisonment rates from 1978-2012

  6. acri1

    Should minimum wage be raised?

    For those who don't know, the federal minimum wage in the US is currently $7.25/hr. Some states have set higher minimum wages. The highest is $9.04/hr which is in Washington. There are around a million people in the U.S. who make exactly the Federal Minimum wage. So...do you think it should...