
  1. JadeB

    Angela Merkel to step down after 16 years as Germany's Chancellor

  2. JadeB

    Do you support California Governor Gavin Newsom's recall? UPDATE: Newsom Stays

    I personally don't since I think it's a bunch of Republican hooplah (even though he did some questionable actions during the early part of the pandemic) but I want to know what does the Coli thinks. Especially the ones that are knowledgeable on the matter. Context:
  3. JadeB

    Early Japanese visitor baffled by race in America (1872)

    @8:00 The entire video is dope however. Their view on security guards, Christianity, and simps:deadmanny:
  4. KidJSoul

    Men that are feminist are more likely to be perceived as weak, feminine, and gay, even by women

    APA PsycNet Be feminist brehs :mjgrin: " Abstract Gender egalitarian men are vital for women’s progress, yet attitudes toward and beliefs about them are underinvestigated. In three experiments, women liked gender egalitarian men more so than men did, but both genders stigmatized them as more...
  5. MushroomX

    10 Years Ago, Obama used Cancel Culture on Trump

    Because he bodied bin Laden, finishing the job his predecessor didn't do. :lolbron: :troll: Maybe this is why Trump REALLY hated Obama. :russ:
  6. BaileyPark31

    Wake-up Calls Pending .........

  7. BaileyPark31

    The Fox Tokens Are Fighting.

  8. JadeB

    Russian gov't vs Chinese gov't vs US gov't vs UK gov't. One gotta go.

  9. BaltimoreTwilightMarauder

    So when we getting DC statehood?

    Asking for a friend:patrice:
  10. T

    “ Defund the police” is a terrible slogan they said

    Iowa using $10M in virus aid to fund state police officers Brehs be on here caping hard as hell after the protests died down . Now they’re telling you “ Defunding the police “ is too aggressive, middle age white folks will be scared of it .
  11. Professor Emeritus

    New Hampshire's Speaker of the House dies of Covid a week after getting sworn in

    Pretty sure this is the most prominent active US politician that corona has caught up to....crazy that he was standing up for that swearing-in ceremony just a week ago. Newly Sworn-In GOP N.H. House Speaker Dies Of COVID-19, Autopsy Shows NPR Cookie Consent and Choices
  12. EBK String

    Please show me where I have ever supported Trump

    all these moist democrats shills continue to call me a trump supporter when I have always called him an open white supremacist along with Biden. How about a ban bet? @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman @Billy Ocean @neotheflyingone @Born2BKing MOD EDIT: This is going to be a #FreeSmoke Political Thread...
  13. BornStar

    Charlamagne said he turned down a high six figure check to endorse..

    Dems Go to 27:55 He says it at 29:00 Would you take a high six figure check to endorse a presidential candidate?
  14. JadeB

    Texas is on her way to being a Democratic state for the first time since the 1970s

    hington OCTOBER 22 2020 171 Print this page The first time Sima Ladjevardian experienced a political revolution, she was 12 years old and sitting in a classroom in Tehran in the middle of what felt like an earthquake. “Everything was shaking,” she says, recalling the uprising that engulfed Iran...
  15. King

    Where’s Ice Cube? Jay Z stages dinner with Biden camp (photos)

  16. Code

    Lil Baby says no more political music

  17. T

    Joe Biden “ I beat the socialist, That’s how I got elected “

    :mjgrin: I hope in 2024 we can say fukk this two party system , I can’t believe they’re literally throwing shots are each other .
  18. T

    Salute to Kyle Kuzma for peeping game

    He’s peeping game & calling these politicians out on their bullshyt . :wow: before Coli Democrat Militant come at me at full force , we all want the same thing !! I just want my people to stop dying :mjcry:. We have to make sure we hold these MF’s accountable too , don’t let them just pander...
  19. Easy-E

    Dr. Cornell West on Voting for Biden/Harris, but, not "endorsing" them.

    I'm 99% with him. Because, yes Democrats and Republicans are the same but Trump is unique problem. I do not expect Biden to do much better as this economy is fukked up. They'll get the "Well they're cleaning up Trump's mess" as they bailout more Wall St. a$$holes. God, I dread election day...
  20. M

    President Joe Biden Has Won the 2020 Election

    The debates are gonna be hilarious. Trump "Sleepy Joe, what have you done for black people." :smugbiden: "I am here to... G ... you know it, whatcha ma call it. Yeah!" Trump "What is this sleepy joe talk I am hearing. Can't even speak legible but wants to be president.