
  1. Westbama Heartthrob

    Anybody Know Any New Artists Doing Political Rap?

    New as in they debuted in the past year to five or are under the age of 28 Looking for someone on some old ice cube, pac, or Paris type shyt but modern day I know about jpeg but want to see if there's anything else I'm missing out on :feedme:
  2. CopiousX

    Mexico president being smart. Buying young votes...

    After a Ticketmaster snafu, Mexico's president asks Bad Bunny to hold a free concert Rachel Treisman Dec 16, 2022 Bad Bunny, pictured performing on stage in Philadelphia in September, finished his international tour in Mexico City last weekend — but many fans were denied...
  3. B

    Trump's White House blocked government websites aimed at helping Americans vote, fighting human trafficking, easing homelessness, and stopping fraud,

    https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-website-government-white-house-president-omb-2022-11 Trump's White House blocked government websites aimed at helping Americans vote, fighting human trafficking, easing homelessness, and stopping fraud, federal records show Dave Levinthal 9 hours...
  4. JadeB

    Karen Bass, a Black woman, will be Los Angeles' next mayor

  5. B

    Progressives’ ranks — and plans — expand after midterms

    https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3731453-progressives-ranks-and-plans-expand-after-midterms/ BY HANNA TRUDO - 11/13/22 7:00 AM ET Stephen M. Dowell/Orlando Sentinel, via AP Democratic candidate for Florida’s 10th Congressional District Maxwell Frost speaks as he celebrates with...
  6. TheHonorableOmarSharif

    The Circus (Showtime) appreciation thread

    As political shows go....no one can do it better.
  7. TreySav

    The Latino Vote Has The Democratic Party Nervous

    Did you notice the respect, the candor, the genuine conversation about appealing to Latinos in the last video? No shaming tactics, no both sides vs lesser of two evils, no get in line or get deported, no fear mongering, and no Latino men ain’t shyt rhetoric just plain o’l what can we do as party...
  8. Bothsides 2 Meme

    Bothsides 2 Meme

  9. Lindsey Graham

    Lindsey Graham

  10. JoseLuisGotcha

    Republican AZ Pastor Is Running For Office and Makes an Ad Shooting KKK Democrats Attacking His Home

    Jerone Davis who is an ex NFL player and Republican Pastor is running for office made an ad of himself shooting democrat kkk members attacking his home. The clip is going viral so disregard if already posted. My thing is ...has a racist ever voted democrat? :dahell:
  11. JadeB

    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigns

    https://www.cnn.com/uk/live-news/uk-boris-johnson-government-collapse-live-updates-intl-gbr/index.html :blessed:

    https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/24/us/politics/police-executive-order-george-floyd.html Biden Set to Issue Policing Order on Anniversary of Floyd Killing The order would direct all federal agencies to revise their use-of-force policies and create a national registry of officers fired for...
  13. Galveston, Texas REPUBLICANS demolished ONLY precinct where black people had political leverage

    A GOP power grab shatters 30 years of political progress for Black voters in Galveston County Community activist Roxy Hall Williamson at a new mural commemorating Juneteenth in Galveston on April 4. Last November, a white Republican majority on the Galveston County’s commissioners court voted...
  14. TreySav

    Meet The New White House Press Secretary

    (CNN)Karine Jean-Pierre will become the new White House press secretary when Jen Psaki departs her role next week, President Joe Biden announced in a statement Thursday, becoming the first Black and out LGBTQ person to hold the position. Her and her partner
  15. B

    Trump Backs Boosters. Clearly, Someone Did the Math for Him.

    Trump Backs Boosters. Clearly, Someone Did the Math for Him. Trump is losing hundreds of voters a day to Covid — far more than the margins in the swing states. Donald G. McNeil Jr. 3 days ago·3 min read Math is not Donald Trump’s strong point. Example: In 1988, he paid $408 million for the...
  16. MushroomX

    Update 7/27: OANN Barbie Doll doesn't want to work in Fast Food, pleads to save OANN!

    Seems like someone hates America, Freedoms, and Patriotism! :troll: Seems like someone is Beijing First, and are all "WE for XI!" :troll: While 2022 might be a Red Wave year in elections, I think 2022-2023 will probably have less extremist on-air stuff, and probably have it just all going...
  17. JadeB

    Biden didn’t mean to offend senators by likening them to racists, Psaki says

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed Friday that President Biden didn’t intend to offend senators by likening them to George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis — but simply meant to compare their actions to those of the infamous white supremacists. Psaki was pressed at her...
  18. JadeB

    Even the New York Times are saying "fukk the Democrats"

    Might as well add the Ether instrumental in the background. :picard: Don't get it twisted, I still vote Democrat over Rethuglican any day but damn:picard:
  19. JadeB

    Chicago and Los Angeles will start pilot universal basic income programs

    Chicago and Los Angeles will launch universal basic income pilot programs, with applications opening tomorrow. Los Angeles will pay $1000 to 3200 families every month, while Chicago will send $500 to 5000 families. The programs will cost $40 million and $31.5 million, respectively, according...
  20. T

    Jen Psaki White House secretary, taking the necessary steps to approach the Border Patrol Incident .

    Who would’ve thought this whole time , that the Horses were the common dominator :ohhh: Vote like your life depends on it brehs ! Don’t vote during the primaries nor should you vote during your local elections . :lolbron: