
  1. African Peasant

    Why people on the right act like AOC ain't fine?

    :stopitslime: Pretty nice face big t*ts No ass tho, but it is what it is
  2. RedCloakBlackWraithe

    Supreme Intellects- Tommy Curry, T Hassan Johnson. God-academics

    The work these two brothers have done to help brehs:mjcry::blessed::salute::banderas:
  3. B

    Your politics can affect whether you click on sponsored search results, new research shows

    https://theconversation.com/your-politics-can-affect-whether-you-click-on-sponsored-search-results-new-research-shows-239800 Your politics can affect whether you click on sponsored search results, new research shows Published: October 24, 2024 8:41am EDT Good news for digital marketers...
  4. Black Panther

    Bernie Sanders' Message to Voters About Gaza

    Big Bern :wow:
  5. JadeB

    Are you p*ssy and privileged for leaving America?

    These Americans, both left-wing and right-wing, all decided to leave America due to the current political situation. Some commenters are calling them cowardly and privileged for trying to bounce. Do y'all agree?
  6. MushroomX

    Deutschland looking to Make Germany Great Again? :mjpls:

  7. B

    Secularists revealed as a unique political force in America, with an intriguing divergence from liberals

    https://www.psypost.org/secularists-revealed-as-a-unique-political-force-in-america-with-an-intriguing-divergence-from-liberals/ Secularists revealed as a unique political force in America, with an intriguing divergence from liberals by Eric W. Dolan July 25, 2024 in Political Psychology...
  8. Dafunkdoc_Unlimited

    Supreme Court Sides with Biden on Abortion

  9. JadeB

    Colorado Springs elected a Nigerian mayor. He now might lose re-election for his pro-immigration stance

  10. E

    Independent Presidential candidate Dr. Cornel West announces his VP choice.

    Brehs.....what do yall think about this! https://open.spotify.com/episode/2inn5Mgyiw3zzuuuzVsi1x?si=2ff11ad540d04727 Cornel West with VP choice Dr. Melina Abdullah from BLM.......
  11. B

    Left-wing politics associated with higher intelligence

    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289624000254 Predicting political beliefs with polygenic scores for cognitive performance and educational attainment Author links open overlay panelTobias Edwards, Alexandros Giannelis, Emily A. Willoughby, James J. Lee Redirecting Get...
  12. JadeB

    Lyndon B. Johnson was the GOAT president for Black people

    Passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 Passed the Voting Rights of 1965 Created Medicaid and Medicare Established Affirmative Action as policy Declared war on poverty and passed the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 and Elementary and Higher Education Acts of 1965 Passed the...
  13. B

    Reno commissioner who insisted on religious invocations at county meetings walks out when Satanist gives opening prayer (video)

    https://boingboing.net/2024/01/18/reno-commissioner-who-insisted-on-religious-invocations-at-county-meetings-walks-out-when-satanist-gives-opening-prayer-video.html Reno commissioner who insisted on religious invocations at county meetings walks out when Satanist gives opening prayer (video)...
  14. CopiousX

    Does anybody else get annoyed with Congress "debt limits"? This shyt is silly

    We have grown adults in their 70s, 80s, and 90s basically wasting everyone's time by doing this on the house floor all day..... I find myself not even caring anymore. i feel for the federal employees and contractors tho who gotta have periodic heartattacks every 2 years when the govt...
  15. Dafunkdoc_Unlimited

    Any Poli-Sci Majors/Graduates/Ph.D.'s on Here?

    The reason for this thread is because past Mayor/Governor/Senator elections, I'm pretty ignorant of the processes involved that make politics work. I have a general knowledge of districts and how the Electoral College works from Civics classes back in High School, but I'm clueless after that...
  16. B

    More than 35,000 people register to vote after Taylor Swift post

    https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/taylor-swift-encourages-voter-registration/ More than 35,000 people register to vote after Taylor Swift post BY ALIZA CHASAN SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 / 6:50 PM / CBS NEWS Taylor Swift called out to fans to register on National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday...
  17. DrBanneker

    Do you think the :mjpls: turn in US politics and society will curb this gender warring?

    I am just wondering, with how openly hostile shyt is becoming from the CRT crap to the Jacksonville shooting to Vivek R.'s obvious running a plank against Black folks, do you think Black people (at least the ones that matter) will take their heads out of their asses and calm some of this gender...
  18. DrBanneker

    Do Black GOPers even care about their brand at this point?

    Ok, so I'm a bit of an oldhead 80s baby and am not party affiliated. Though I don't consider myself a Black conservative but I will admit I lean conservative on some things like gun control, raising kids, importance on entrepreneurship, etc. and I occasionally in the past voted for a couple of...
  19. B

    The Long-Shot Candidate Who Has the White House Worried - Joe Biden has a Cornel West problem.

    https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2023/07/biden-cornel-west-no-labels-2024-election/674757/ The Long-Shot Candidate Who Has the White House Worried Joe Biden has a Cornel West problem. By Mark Leibovich Andrew Burton / Getty JULY 20, 2023 Pull up a sticky green lawn chair...