
  1. Remote

    If you celebrate your pet's birthday you're a loser and your life has no meaning.

    Celebrate dogs and cats "birthday" brehs. :beli: Celebrate your goldfish's birthday brehs. :beli: Y'all some weirdos.
  2. Dirty_Jerz

    who and or what taught you the most in life

  3. darealxan

    Fuked up my life due to drugs brehs

    20. Last September I started a good college, was financially and shyt. Passing tests:lawd:Being stupid what do I do? Start Benzos 1) Dropped out of college 2) Went from $6000 in cash to -$7000 due to expensive drug use and crazy Xanax decisions I.E Giving someone my Macbook whilst on...
  4. GoGetMyDamnBelt_

    What's your breaking point in a relationship/marriage?

    I'm starting to realize it's finance. If I can save & he can't, it becomes a BIG problem.
  5. Ruck

    This is what it's about. Post some pics about gaming that make u mushy brehz

  6. ducktales cameo single

    ducktales cameo single

  7. Neuromancer

    Where do you see black people in the next 100 years?

    Quick question about the future of our race. Will we survive? Will we develop off world travel and habitats on the moon? Will we be dealing with the same shyt? Tell me.
  8. T

    It's finally October and we're entering the last quarter of the year

    Have you completed any of your NY resolutions? Are you happy about how your year went? Is there anything else you need to do before the year ends? Let's talk about it.
  9. cyndaquil

    I finally enjoy my porn again

    I just watch the whole scene from the beginning and pretend its real, amd it makes things way better :-D No more wondering what drugs this girl does or how many kids she has. Pornstars bring joy to people and for that I am grateful. :manny: Gonna go exfoliate my face, brush mah teeth and jack...
  10. iseetrolledpeople

    [VIDEO]Boosie - Kicking Clouds

    I don't know why but he's the only one I feel happy for man :mjcry: He was 2 steps away from that lethal injection now he's living his life :mjcry:
  11. Wildin

    For those who experience/experienced depression or want a better quality of living

  12. diggy

    Is anyone doing what they truly love when it comes to work/career?

    Serious question? Are you there yet or are you planning to get into what you really want to do? One of my boys became a firefighter and he says if someone paid him a million dollars to retire from that line of work and go and do something else, there is no way he would do it because he enjoys...
  13. Olivia Pope

    Essential Official Random Thoughts Thread (Ladies only)

    We can talk about fashion, men, drama, hair, issues in society female rappers and non hip hop music. I'll kick it off: The Game is one of those horrible black shows that you can't stand but can't stop watching because the fukkery is never ending. If I see another heffa with a bodysuit...
  14. patscorpio

    Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts

    i'll start it off i guess The smilies available on this shyt have me dying at work right now :mjpls: :dwillhuh: :jawalrus: :upsetfavre: :scusthov: :smugdraper: