
  1. SheWantTheD

    What Did Your Last Girl Bring To The Table Besides Pu$$y?

    What did your last girl bring to the table besides for sex?
  2. SheWantTheD

    If You Had No Problems Getting Woman...

    Do you think your life would change for the better or for the worse? How so? In what way do you think your life would change? Seems like a lot of dudes on here struggle to get women or struggle to get the type of women they want. Edit: Put "Woman" in the title instead of "Women" oops. If a mod...
  3. Archangel

    I Ran Away From Home For a Week...Life is Tough outchea

    The @Preacher usually doesn't talk about his tough times but I thought it might help someone. Me and my folks got into it about two weeks ago and it was the final nail in the coffin for me. I had already been having a rough time getting my life together being in school, my church and trying to...
  4. SheWantTheD

    Women Are Boring And It's Our Job To Entertain Them

    This thread idea came from the thread where dude's friend's wife mentally checked out of their relationship. Why is it our job as men to entertain a woman and keep her interested? If a woman is bored in a relationship then it just means that she herself is boring and looks to men to bring...
  5. dahell cameo single life

    dahell cameo single life

  6. Archangel

    Brehs, It's true. Time really does move faster when you get older

    I remember when I was still in high school thinking about graduating. It came so slowly to me; took forever. I'm not even talking about freshman year to senior year. I'm talking about 1st semester of senior year all the way to graduation day. It seemed like forever. When I started college...
  7. GhostoftheMan

    Tre Mason RB is missing. Threatened to call the White House and

    Mental health is a bytch :mjcry: are there any other athletes (besides Marshall) with mental health issues?
  8. HoldThisL

    Do we die everytime we go to sleep?

    So I just woke up and this popped in my mind. Is it possible that everytime we go to sleep we die and wake up to a alternate version of our previous life??? :ohhh:
  9. MF_BREW

    You must learn!

    If there had to be some skill or trade you would love to know, learn and use what would there be? Like how to invest in a company and receive the benefits and money from them For me I would love to know how to make a app (not a cheap app) but a app that would very beneficial.
  10. 3

    Essential The Mental Health Thread

    Why dont the mods pin this thread?? There is a decent percentage of coli posters who have issues whether it be depression etc We can support each others breh and brehettes:to:
  11. The American

    Who here has led the most interesting life?

    Tell us about your life if you feel it's been interesting AF.
  12. SirReginald

    VOTING POLL: Do Yall COLI BREHS Love How Ya Life Is Goin? (If Not, Why?)

    Any brehs happy with their life?:lolbron:
  13. Afro

    White girls who only date_____

    How come no one calls em out on making another human being a fetish? When I was younger, I thought "Cool someone likes me for me" I wasn't woke at all. Thinking back on it, they all had father issues and I feel like they used me to "get back" at their parents for whatever reason. I had some...
  14. M

    LIFE On HOT BLOCK STREET: Most bizarre activity on one street corner all caught on security cam

    This blocc is like the Bermuda Triangle off hot shytt :mjlol:
  15. Kamikaze Revy

    So what do you do when you aren't gaming?

    Just curious :jbhmm: Me: Record music, Draw, Record music videos (just started recently), go to the gun range, play basketball, full time student (taking online classes this time), read books (The Alchemist and The Counte of Monte Cristo are my favorites), go to church (at least twice a week)...

    Life After Tip Drill: Where are the St. Lunatics?

    You know how groups are hot and then fade away and we all wonder why and how? I think the St. Lunatics is the only group in history where everybody knew them nikkas would never be shyt outside of Nelly Well we all know about Nelly. Obviously the most successful out of the group. And one of the...
  17. Sithlord Piff

    Life of a personal trainer in Brazil

    It takes hard work and dedication brehs:jawalrus:
  18. WhiteWidow

    [NEW] Shiest City Ft. Jadakiss & Dyce Payne – Life Like This

    STREAM & DOWNLOAD Shiest City Ft. Jadakiss & Dyce Payne - Life Like This Mp3 Download
  19. newworldafro

    Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg [Video]

    Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg