
  1. Neuromancer

    Is it true most black folks don't like horror films?

    My bro and cuz used to have me watching child's play and nightmare on elm street. Then my dad showed me The Thing and I was hooked. But as I got older I found fewer black folks who enjoyed the horror genre. Why is that?
  2. Neuromancer

    Crypt T.v.

    Anyone subscribed to this dope channel? It's supposed to be a shared monster uni verse in the vein of the MCU
  3. T

    Netflix Cooking Up Another Horror Series, "Ghoul"

    A prisoner arrives at a remote military interrogation centre and turns the tables on his interrogators, exposing their most shameful secrets. I thought the trailer was fire count me in. I'm hyped. Already on it's 3rd episode
  4. KevCo

    Doctor Sleep aka The Shining 2 thread (Ewan McGregor to star)

    Ewan McGregor to Star in New ‘Shining’ Movie ‘Doctor Sleep’ (EXCLUSIVE) Ewan McGregor is playing Danny Torrence, son of Jack Torrence
  5. Dominic Brehetto

    The Nun (Conjuring Universe)

  6. JahFocus CS

    Trailer for Slender Man (2018)

    Will probably stream it if the reviews aren't terrible :mjlol: :francis: :ehh:
  7. CodeBlaMeVi

    Kids’ Short Film - Terror Park

    Written and Directed by Freddy Long
  8. kingdarius

    Why nobody tell me superman and magneto scrapped in a movie before? :dwillhuh:

    Stumbled on this randomly tonight....had no clue they were on that b-horror movie steaze :heh:...movie wasn't half bad either :ehh:.....Kinda reminded me of jeepers creepers.
  9. Kairi Irving

    Stumbled across CRYPT TV and it's lit

    Lots of Horror shorts that can be potential movies or even Shows This one was wild, her name is Velma and looks like her too :dwillhuh: Sample Size of this quality YT channel :whew:
  10. Grand Conde

    Hidden Agenda (PS4) OT

    From Supermassive, the Until Dawn guys. :ohhh: Coming this year. Looks like crime/horror mix.
  11. Ill Lou Malnati

    "Welcome to a new world of gods and monsters." - Universal Pictures' Dark Universe

    :banderas: :banderas: :banderas:
  12. HopeKillCure

    What's the worst place you ever been to?

    It can be a neighborhood, city, spot, country, etc,. Share some stories. Worst place you ever been to. Mine got to be Hoi An town in Vietnam. Heard so much about the spot from Vietnamese people and some folks I talked to said that it was the best place to make clothes and shoes and bags for...
  13. The5thLetter

    NYC horror film festivals

    From October 14-16 there's a few different events, art show, film showings, the telling of ghost stories, horror trivia, and lots of other cool stuff. Events - Brooklyn Horror Fest From November 10-13 there's another film festival with short films accompanying the feature film 2016 Film...
  14. Jean Jacket

    What movie terrified you enough to never watch it again for years... if ever?

    Never will forget that day...downtown Stamford CT at the theater by prospect park... they had Turtles in Time on coin-op in the lobby, and sticky floors with the best popcorn smell, never once matched or reproduced... **Avon Theater BUT 8 year old curiosity, and clout to cop a rated R...
  15. Kane

    Ghosts of Mars

    Starring Ice Cube, Natasha Henstridge, Jason Statham Just got done watching this movie :whew: I think it's very underrated. I really liked it. It reminded me alot of Pitch Black. Good b movie :ehh:
  16. Box Cutta

    Morgan - September 2nd - (Kate Mara, Anya Taylor-Joy) - Trailer

    First look at Kate Mara in Luke Scott's sci-fi thriller 'Morgan' Luke Scott (director) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Directorial feature debut....:patrice:The cronyism bothers me, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Looks like The Lazarus Effect (2015) meets Ex Machina (2015). Maybe...
  17. Colin X

    What horror movie scenario would make you immediately hit the :nope: and leave?

    I could probably deal with some shyt like Paranormal Activity if I HAD to. But some shyt like the Woman in Black? :mjcry: I'd take 20 people with me into that creepy ass house, grab the papers and dip quick as hell so I can finish my work wherever. Grab any necessary items out that...
  18. dora_da_destroyer

    Where's the horror movie thread?

    Wasn't there a thread dedicated to fans of horror films on here? I'm in need of some new scary movies - no gore, slasher, blood and guts....ghosts, hauntings, weird shyt, isolation all appreciated.
  19. Dominic Brehetto

    Essential The Official Coli Horror Film Thread: Discussion, Recommendations And Murder.

    *UPDATED OP* If you want any posts or lists added to this just tag me or pm me The coli's top 10 Horror Film List http://www.thecoli.com/threads/welcome-to-prime-time-b-tch-the-official-top-ten-horror-movie-list-voting-thread.254618/ 10. Hellraiser 9. Psycho 8. Scream 7. Alien 6. Texas...