
  1. kdslittlebro

    Is Jigsaw an iconic horror movie villain?

    Why or why not?
  2. MushroomX

    Makers of UNTIL DAWN making a spiritual successor with THE QUARRY

    I know they have been doing a anthology of other spooky games, but this one it seems is a massive effort to make a true successor to Until Dawn; has some notable old names as well involved; Lin Shaye, David Arquette, Lance Henriksen and Ted Raimi.
  3. Lootpack

    ‘X’ | Official Thread | A24 (from the director of ‘The House of the Devil’)

  4. Lootpack

    The Black Phone | Official Thread | dir. by Scott Derrickson

  5. Neuromancer

    Monsters of Horror: Round 2: Pumpkinhead vs The Creeper

    All the way from the pits of hell. Vs All the way from who the hell knows? Takes place in Who wins and why?
  6. T

    The 8th Night (Official Teaser Netflix)

  7. J

    Old: M. Night Shyamalan’s New Movie

    shyt looks crazy :picard:
  8. Rhapscallion Démone

    Who's in your Top 5 Mothers of Fantasy, Horror and Sci fi

    Mine are Lady Jessica from Dune In my opinion her story arc was the most interesting part of Dune. She's the definition of not judging a book by it's cover. She will fukk you up with her Bene gesserit skills and make it look like an accident. Especially over her kids Ellen "get away from...
  9. A.V.


    Was just browsing, looking for a highly rated, quality horror game, and stumbled upon this gem. It's supposedly directly inspired by P.T., just as scary if not more, and critics and players all give it high marks. Released October 2020. Ran a search on here and didn't find anything posted...
  10. Doctor Doom

    Using your movie knowledge, how would you survive a horror movie situation?

    You're just a normal breh, chilling at home on Halloween watching some movies. Kids come by every now and then to get some candy, just a normal night. Suddenly the lights start to dim in the house, and it gets all too quiet. You begin to investigate, electricity is working fine and nothing seems...
  11. Neuromancer

    Murderers of Horror: Firefly Family vs Sawyer Family

    I was thinking of doing a solo Leather Face vs The Professor but I think this will be a good time to introduce a group fight. I'm not gonna do the standard Set up because that's too many people to give stats for. Both teams get standard gear So The Firefly Fam BEST KILLS: Vs The Sawyers...
  12. Neuromancer

    Would the Coli call Candyman a c00n to his face?

    Y'all know the brotha was Pawgin right? Would the Coli say his name 5 times in a mirror to tell him he's a c00n?:ohhh:
  13. Neuromancer

    Murderers of Horror: Freddy Krueger vs Candyman

    In the red corner former alleged child murderer and son of 1000 insane men. Height: 5'8 Weight: 160lbs Fighting out of a boiler room in Springwood, OH Weapon of choice: Clawed glove First Appearance: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) FREDDDDDDYYYYY KRUEGEERRRRRR BEST KILLS: And in...
  14. Grand Conde

    Little Nightmares 2 [OT][OFFICIAL THREAD]

    First game was flawed but pretty cool - this one though, has creepiness and atmosphere pouring out of the screen. :takedat:
  15. I'm Blackman

    (Poll) You're stranded on a desert island...

    The island isnt huge. Lets say you could walk it all or cover most of it in a few hours. You will have shelter ( a tent), food to last a week and water, and weapons (a Bible, some holy water, one garlic clove, one 9mm with hollows, one Mossburg pump, 1 knife, 1 axe). Your family and loved...
  16. Mr Rager

    Sohh...House of 1000 Corpses is an absolutely demonic movie

    but... It's probably one of the last good horror movies made. In an era of remakes and jump scare dependent horror movies I've almost forgotten how absolutely :demonic: the horror genre could be Til i watched this shyt today. I might need to watch Kenan and Kel or something to cleanse my palate...
  17. T

    Netflix’s Italian Horror Series CURON Arrives June 10th

    Synopsis: Seventeen years after the tragic events that forced her to leave Curon, a woman returns home with her twin children. They soon discover that the town is cursed: when you hear the bells of the old church tower ringing, repressed feelings come back to the surface.
  18. Kidd Dibiase

    CONFESSIONAL Trailer (2020) Horror Thriller Movie [Streaming on Shudder]

  19. Kairi Irving

    A Reimagining of 'The Mist'

    Instead of it being in a store it should be based off of the coronavirus quarantine, it starts off with the news advising a quarantine and theorizing the random mist clouding the world could be potentially harmful. Cutting to Trump speaking on it "tremendously". People ignoring the warning...
  20. Neuromancer

    New short horror story I wrote

    Unedited. The road was pitch black. Carl could barely see in front of his high beams. He'd drove as fast as the limit would allow him. He wish he could drive faster, but didn't want to alert the local authorities, he had heard stories of police in sundown towns. He could see the highway up...