Would you try to make a as career criminal in NYC Marvel or Gotham?

Where you try to run the streets?

  • Marvel NYC

    Votes: 31 56.4%
  • DC's Gotham

    Votes: 24 43.6%

  • Total voters

King Koopa

All Star
Dec 1, 2013
The 8-4 and fiery moats
Gotham :whoa: It's only a matter of time before you're leaving the hideout and The Bat rolls up on you like:


If you're an underling, he might break an arm to get info out of you. If you're a boss, your workers all dimed you out, you're catching a long ass beating then taking the trip to Blackgate or Arkham :sadcam:

Or even worse you end up having to work with someone like The Joker and he kills you on some :yeshrug:Or the indignity of being killed by The Riddler. There's no way I would be able to stop myself at being :pacspit: at a man who wears a onesie covered in punctuation.

I would find a super boring hustle in NYC Marvel. Like weed delivery or something.

Luke Cage and Daredevil kick in my door, I'd hit them with the "Bruh - Really? For trees? :childplease:" The Avengers are global/ interplanetary/ interdimensional and the X-Men have to worry about Flatscans trying to kill them.

I would definitely sell to heroes and villains. Both of the current Hawkeyes definitely blaze. I imagine Spider-Man does as well, then gets :sadbron:about his uncle. I'll be the plug for Misty and Colleen too :steviej:. Stilt-Man smokes for sure. Most definitely The Thinker, and he assures me that Norman Osborn is called The Green Goblin because of his fondness for edibles. :ohhh:

I'll probably end up on a S.H.I.E.L.D watchlist and under HYDRA surveillance but we all gotta eat :manny:
:russ: at this whole post, but the bolded :dead:


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
I pick Gotham. All you'd have to worry about is Batman, worse he gonna do is beat you up. Maybe give you a concussion and some broken bones.

In Marvel's NYC. You have a variety of heros you could run across and there's a chance you might bump into Frank Castle and I don't want those problems.
:merchant: Word


May 1, 2012
NYC Marvel. I'd make bank as a crooked contractor. Get major money government contracts to rebuild the damage from a major disaster, rebuild cutting every corner to pocket the extra cash, make sure the buildings are destroyed in the next major disaster before anyone realizes the shytty job I did, repeat. Just like that I'm a major criminal that no hero is going to look at twice.:win:
This is the best answer.


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
NYC Marvel. I'd make bank as a crooked contractor. Get major money government contracts to rebuild the damage from a major disaster, rebuild cutting every corner to pocket the extra cash, make sure the buildings are destroyed in the next major disaster before anyone realizes the shytty job I did, repeat. Just like that I'm a major criminal that no hero is going to look at twice.:win:
Breh, This is some funny & good shyt.
May 7, 2012
The Sweet Science
Man all them crazy fukks in Gotham is just that crazy! They aint bulletproof they got no real power outside a handful like Killer Croc and Livewire when she shows up. Almost everybody in the Batverse including Batman
can get bodied with the DAN .338 from a mile away.

You want crazy? You got Punisher, Deadpool, Sabertooth,Carnage, Venom, Bullseye, Kraven just off the top of the dome

You got to Gotham you get Bats and his flunkies and something like this


You go to Marvel NYC, fukk around and see some shyt like this


Cant even fit half the mothefukkas in this bytch

Almost everthing that happens in Marvel happens in NYC even the celestial shyt because you got the Avengers, Dr Strange and the Fantastic 4 based there.
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May 3, 2012
I mean that story line is from after an earthquake but its true enough you aint really gonna be much of a successful criminal in that situation but Marvel NYC is to crowded with fukkery from heroes to villains,aliens mutants, the NYPD the Military and fukkin Celestial beings.

Kingpin aint letting shyt go down crime wise in NYC without eating off it or shutting your shyt down. Gotham has a sweet revolving door prison system, every villain be having 20-30+ cats in the crew pulling jobs, and one "super" hero with a couple flunkies to monitor the whole damn city. The cops are a joke they cant even stop basic criminals without Batman holding they hand.

Not to mention you can body pretty much anybody in Gotham with the M4 even the "super" villains. In Marvel damn near everybody is either bullet proof, super fast, or you got nikkas like Spiderman and Daredevil dodging bullets and shyt.

The point I was making was Gotham had just been hit by an earthquake that completely leveled the city, it was quarantined by the Government.... and Gothamites just adapted and kept it business as usual. That's how hardcore they are. Kingpin stays in his lane, he doesn't go internationally, he doesn't step on Osborn or Hood's turf, he keep to his corner of the city, if you don't cross him, you won't have problems with him.

In Marvel, nearly all the Masks and super powered villians are issues, but they are few and far between and with the right connect, you can get you a superpowered suit just like them. In Gotham EVERY non-powered person is a threat in that city. Majority of the people and villians in Gotham don't even have powers, but they will still cut your head off for looking at them funny. The threats you face in Gotham are just more frequent and constant than they are in Marvel and they are way more ruthless.


May 3, 2012
Being a LOW LEVEL CRIMINAL in marvel NYC still gets the spiderman and below level guys attention...you Rob a bank and fukkin war machine or Jubilee or someone runs up on you.

In Gotham, at worst, nightwing might show up...just pay taxes to whoever is in power be it joker or two face and your good imo

Penguin be in there like:

:sas2: Price of the brick going up... AGAIN.

Yeah, I don't care if I bled you dry last week. :sas1:
The Bat weakening the economy, someone has to take the hit :ufdup:

:russell: Oh you haven't seen a profit in 4 months and are down to working with a skeleton crew? Well... that's unfortunate :youngsabo:.

:comeon:Well, I'm on a schedule, so I will take leave, but my associate Mr. Zsasz will see you to your stash for your tithing this week. :rudy:.

:ehh: We all play a role here in Gotham, you are still earning yours, scamp. :heh:Let's keep it professional here or my other associates Mr. Dent, Mr. Freeze and Joker won't have to partake in any festivities. Let's make your next move..... your BEST move. :demonic:

:whoa:Yeah, I ain't dealing with that shyt every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. There are levels to this shyt, Make mine Marvel :damn:.
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Penguin be in there like:

:sas2: Price of the brick going up... AGAIN.

Yeah, I don't care if I bled you dry last week. :sas1:
The Bat weakening the economy, someone has to take the hit :ufdup:

:russell: Oh you haven't seen a profit in 4 months and are down to working with a skeleton crew? Well... that's unfortunate :youngsabo:.

:comeon:Well, I'm on a schedule, so I will take leave, but my associate Mr. Zsasz will see you to your stash for your tithing this week. :rudy:.

:ehh: We all play a role here in Gotham, you are still earning yours, scamp. :heh:Let's keep it professional here or my other associates Mr. Dent, Mr. Freeze and Joker won't have to partake in any festivities. Let's make your next move..... your BEST move. :demonic:

:whoa:Yeah, I ain't dealing with that shyt every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. There are levels to this shyt, Make mine Marvel :damn:.
So then you fukkin jaywalk and fukkin spiderwoman kicks you in the face and hangs you upside down from your feet?? I'm fendi on that breh...marvel NYC is anti petty crime...Gotham BATHES in crime
May 7, 2012
The Sweet Science
The point I was making was Gotham had just been hit by an earthquake that completely leveled the city, it was quarantined by the Government.... and Gothamites just adapted and kept it business as usual. That's how hardcore they are. Kingpin stays in his lane, he doesn't go internationally, he doesn't step on Osborn or Hood's turf, he keep to his corner of the city, if you don't cross him, you won't have problems with him.

In Marvel, nearly all the Masks and super powered villians are issues, but they are few and far between and with the right connect, you can get you a superpowered suit just like them. In Gotham EVERY non-powered person is a threat in that city. Majority of the people and villians in Gotham don't even have powers, but they will still cut your head off for looking at them funny. The threats you face in Gotham are just more frequent and constant than they are in Marvel and they are way more ruthless.

Please them dudes is nothing to the Kingpin he be going to war with the likes of Hydra and the Hand on some international shyt.

Theyre are less than 25 heroes and villains operating in Gotham and 10,000,000 people. You got plenty of room to operate in Gotham, while in Marvel NYC you got the same 10 million people but thousands of heroes and villains, not to mention
mutants, aliens, NYPD the Military and celestail beings making routine appearances. Ill take my chances against a regular nut job over a superpowered nut job like Carnage or Venom or Deadpool to name a few.

At the end of the day your making my case for me though its much easier to be a criminal in Gotham because its a shyt hole and a cesspool of corruption and crime basically a criminal haven. while NYC Marvel is overflowing with super powered beings and government tasks forces ready to send you away. Not to mention mutants and other villains that you might stumble across while trying to do your business.


May 3, 2012
So then you fukkin jaywalk and fukkin spiderwoman kicks you in the face and hangs you upside down from your feet?? I'm fendi on that breh...marvel NYC is anti petty crime...Gotham BATHES in crime

In Marvel, you deal with HEROES that just happen to catch you in the act, and you run a 99% chance of living to see tomorrow. Spider-Man ain't stopping bank robbers when MAXIMUM CARNAGE or THE SIEGE is going on. There is a Marvel Event every summer and they do holiday special breaks :sas1: , you spend a year learning the schedule and you will be ok :lolbron:

In Gotham specifically, you deal with Batman AND EACH AND EVERY villain in that city and you run an 70% chance of dying with each encounter. EVERYONE in Gotham is a snitch, EVERYONE in Gotham knows a goon or partakes in goonery themselves, EVERYONE has dirt on their hands. You WILL face conflict in Gotham, its just a way of life there.

Your odds of success and survival are greater in Marvel.... unless you live in Queens. Then well, pick your poison.


May 3, 2012
Please them dudes is nothing to the Kingpin he be going to war with the likes of Hydra and the Hand on some international shyt.

Theyre are less than 25 heroes and villains operating in Gotham and 10,000,000 people. You got plenty of room to operate in Gotham, while in Marvel NYC you got the same 10 million people but thousands of heroes and villains, not to mention
mutants, aliens, NYPD the Military and celestail beings making routine appearances. Ill take my chances against a regular nut job over a superpowered nut job like Carnage or Venom or Deadpool to name a few.

At the end of the day your making my case for me though its much easier to be a criminal in Gotham because its a shyt hole and a cesspool of corruption and crime basically a criminal haven. while NYC Marvel is overflowing with super powered beings and government tasks forces ready to send you away. Not to mention mutants and other villains that you might stumble across while trying to do your business.

Burh, you missing my point.... In Marvel you ONLY have to worry about the HEROES unless you specifically provoke a villain. In Gotham you have to worry about the Bat, the GCPD, The VILLIANS AND the regular people. Just too many more proponents of fukkery involved. There are MORE criminals in Gotham than there are heroes in Marvel NYC. Play those odds how you feel...