Zimbabwe To Open 'Blacks Only' Stock Exchange

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
@Hiphoplives4eva I respect the hell out of you by the way I'm just saying try to see it from the perspective of someone whose extended family is actually affected by his policies and blatant pillaging. We tried to live in Zimbabwe in the 80s but had to move to Canada because of the looting and intense violence.


Jun 4, 2012
I'm not sure what your point is regarding the mines. There are black Zimbabwean oppositional politicians who support pro black reforms/black ownership/land distribution but also eschew the kleptocratic nonsense of Mugabe and his ilk. They just can't get a foothold because Zanu-PF is a murdering, corrupt thug party with the military in their pocket. Mugabe is not even close to the best candidate for leading Zimbabwe. You can't be "pro black" and steal billions from your people and order the slaughter of 100,000 of them for political gain. Two wrongs (Rhodesian apartheid cac regime and corrupt Zanu-PF kleptocracy regime) don't make a right.

I'm amazed you hate Obama so much and can see through his "black president" gimmick and self serving political impudence but fall into the same trap of blindly supporting a selfish politician just because he's black, throws a couple bones here and there and talks a good game.

It's a FACT that Mugabe ran Zimbabwe into the ground and murders our people (black infants included) every fukking day for the sole purpose of enriching himself and his cronies. My top priority is the livelihood and economic empowerment of the black indigenous population and that matters a lot more than shutting down cacs. The bad far outweighs the good.

I last visited Zimbabwe last summer (August). It's still a disheveled hell hole and now full of Chinese laborers Mugabe invited to take our country's resources.

But lets be real..

Any leader in a hostile environment like that will have to kill (very ruthlessly) or be killed. A peaceful Zanu Kleptocracy regime would have been over thrown by a group that would have done the same killings - minus the problack stance and initiatives. A c00n ridden puppet government would have increased GDP by at least 9% and life expectancy by at least 7 years ---- BUT is that worth it in the long run????

A white regime.... we agree that that is 100X worse on sooo many levels. Even with black control and black interests the global CAC agenda reaches out and touches them. Just look at ZDERA - 2001 United States initiative to target businesses and improve the overall quality of the Z economy. But we all know what a CAC agenda truly means - 100% of the studies show that that US and western initiate have affected the people and local business in negative ways. Hurt the economy.

The white people there aka the people trying to rape the land and be farmers in the land they originally colonized and raped - have the audacity to become upset when they are told to turn over that money and property to the descendants of the land. The West fukks over the economy and our cia and other western governments go into that nation and stir up fukkky and conflict between the local people. The happens non freakin stop.

Damn near 90% of the people of that land are Christians....Most are Roman Catholic!!! Give me a break. One of the main languages is english and The People struggle to live to 40 years old.. give me a break. It's gonna take some HARD CORE shyt to rid that land of the CAC filth that still plagues the people and the long term affects. So you have leaders like dude.

I think he's demonic, but I don't really see how that nation could have anything else. But hundreds of millions (w over 80% unemployment) on fake elections is gross tho when u already know who is gonna win.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
As much as I hate the colonial cacs (I'm half Zimbabwean myself I have every reason too) I can't respect Mugabe. He's done way too much damage to my people over the last 30 years with his looting and mass murdering. Now understand that's not an endorsement of white colonialism AT ALL, I'm just saying he's not a hero of black people, simply an enemy of cacs which is not enough. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

I like the idea in principle but the only people who get rich in Zimbabwe are Zanu-PF politicians. This is a political ploy.

I feel you breh, African leaders suffer from paranoia, ego, and greed. But to be fair so do white, Arab, and Asian politicians. Politics is a dirty game and the one the world practices is a westernized form of democracy built on exploitation of others. They are paranoid because they know that due to the abject poverty of their country...nikkas are always scheming even if you mean well for the people. This leads to some deserving and sometimes some innocent people being killed. Leaders also feel entitled...they see the white man making millions of dollars and they feel well...this is my country and I am the leader...I deserve these things too. That is the ego and greed.

If you are African and from the country formally known as Rhodesia...you will know the power of apartheid and the divisions among blacks that occurred even within blacks in Rhodesia and South Africa. All blacks in both countries were not always kumbaya with each other, especially in South Africa. You also have to understand that cacs that want money in Africa, fund and support various groups (even black ones) and certain governments to create division and maintain control for monetary gain.

Zimbabwe has like 12 million people...they should be eating with all those resources but cacs, indians, chinese control so much. Plus the World Bank devalued your money like crazy making things worst. Cacs can decimate whole countries, especially African without dropping a bomb through sanctions, World Bank and IMF. That is why it is damn near impossible for African countries to make power moves that will truly help their people. Because anything that helps their people will in some way cut into the white man's money and you know cacs don't play that game. Saudi Arabia and much of the middle east has oil and guess what? the Saudis own their oil. Cacs have to play fair because they have the ability to fukk the white man's world up. Power is in ownership and most Africans and African countries do not own the resources that come from their own land. If you are not owner....you are the owned...Real Talk.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
I'm not sure what your point is regarding the mines. There are black Zimbabwean oppositional politicians who support pro black reforms/black ownership/land distribution but also eschew the kleptocratic nonsense of Mugabe and his ilk. They just can't get a foothold because Zanu-PF is a murdering, corrupt thug party with the military in their pocket. Mugabe is not even close to the best candidate for leading Zimbabwe. You can't be "pro black" and steal billions from your people and order the slaughter of 100,000 of them for political gain. Two wrongs (Rhodesian apartheid cac regime and corrupt Zanu-PF thieving regime) don't make a right.

I'm amazed you hate Obama so much and can see through his "black president" gimmick and self serving political impudence but fall into the same trap of blindly supporting a selfish politician just because he's black, throws a couple bones here and there and talks a good game.

It's a FACT that Mugabe ran Zimbabwe into the ground and murders our people (black infants included) every fukking day for the sole purpose of enriching himself and his cronies. My top priority is the livelihood and economic empowerment of the black indigenous population and that matters a lot more than shutting down cacs. The bad far outweighs the good.

I last visited Zimbabwe last summer (August). It's still a disheveled hell hole and now full of Chinese laborers Mugabe invited to take our country's resources.
No thats cool. Its seems you have strong opinions based on real world experiences, not some pro western propaganda that people tend to develop when wiewing African affairs from western glasses.

But yeah, Mugabe is definitely not the best president, but the reality of the situation is that he won this election in a virtual landslide, which from all reports was one of Zimbabwe's fairest elections yet. Mugabe has a mystical hold on the people of Zimbabwe, given the fact that he liberated them from the white demons that took over the land. For that i'll always respect him. Also, he is one of the few leaders not afraid to tell America off, a rarer and rarer species of leader as the years wear on it seems.

Either way, I hope Zimbabwe will be able to transition to another leader peacefully, although i honestly believe Mugabe is the glue that holds that nation together. Hopefully Mugabe can allow power to change hands peacefully before he dies. The last thing we need in Africa is another civil war.

Much respect back at ya bro. :salute:

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
I feel you breh, African leaders suffer from paranoia, ego, and greed. But to be fair so do white, Arab, and Asian politicians. Politics is a dirty game and the one the world practices is a westernized form of democracy built on exploitation of others. They are paranoid because they know that due to the abject poverty of their country...nikkas are always scheming even if you mean well for the people. This leads to some deserving and sometimes some innocent people being killed. Leaders also feel entitled...they see the white man making millions of dollars and they feel well...this is my country and I am the leader...I deserve these things too. That is the ego and greed.

If you are African and from the country formally known as Rhodesia...you will know the power of apartheid and the divisions among blacks that occurred even within blacks in Rhodesia and South Africa. All blacks in both countries were not always kumbaya with each other, especially in South Africa. You also have to understand that cacs that want money in Africa, fund and support various groups (even black ones) and certain governments to create division and maintain control for monetary gain.

Zimbabwe has like 12 million people...they should be eating with all those resources but cacs, indians, chinese control so much. Plus the World Bank devalued your money like crazy making things worst. Cacs can decimate whole countries, especially African without dropping a bomb through sanctions, World Bank and IMF. That is why it is damn near impossible for African countries to make power moves that will truly help their people. Because anything that helps their people will in some way cut into the white man's money and you know cacs don't play that game. Saudi Arabia and much of the middle east has oil and guess what? the Saudis own their oil. Cacs have to play fair because they have the ability to fukk the white man's world up. Power is in ownership and most Africans and African countries do not own the resources that come from their own land. If you are not owner....you are the owned...Real Talk.

Great post I don't disagree.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
No thats cool. Its seems you have strong opinions based on real world experiences, not some pro western propaganda that people tend to develop when wiewing African affairs from western glasses.

But yeah, Mugabe is definitely not the best president, but the reality of the situation is that he won this election in a virtual landslide, which from all reports was one of Zimbabwe's fairest elections yet. Mugabe has a mystical hold on the people of Zimbabwe, given the fact that he liberated them from the white demons that took over the land. For that i'll always respect him. Also, he is one of the few leaders not afraid to tell America off, a rarer and rarer species of leader as the years wear on it seems.

Either way, I hope Zimbabwe will be able to transition to another leader peacefully, although i honestly believe Mugabe is the glue that holds that nation together. Hopefully Mugabe can allow power to change hands peacefully before he dies. The last thing we need in Africa is another civil war.

Much respect back at ya bro. :salute:

Much respect brother :salute:.

We disagree but I'll say this, Mugabe is not as all together reprehensible as the Eurocentric Western media (especially in the UK) try to make him out to be. The land reforms (the only thing the racist West seems to take umbrage with) were actually moderately successful.


More than ten years ago President Mugabe caused global outrage by forcibly removing many of the 4,500 white owners of Zimbabwe's large-scale commercial farms from their land. It was fully expected that the handover of these farms would displace farm workers and utterly devastate agriculture in Zimbabwe, however a major study supported by the ESRC and the Department for International Development challenges this assertion.

Professor Ian Sc00nes from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex investigated the actual outcomes of land reform and redistribution in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa. His book Zimbabwe's Land Reform – Myths and Realities presents some surprising results of radical agrarian reform, and challenges five particular myths:

  • Myth 1: Land reform has been a total failure
  • Myth 2: The beneficiaries have been largely political cronies
  • Myth 3: There is no investment in the new settlements
  • Myth 4: Agriculture is in complete ruins creating chronic food insecurity
  • Myth 5: The rural economy has collapsed
The study found that as a result of land distribution, the nature and mix of agriculture and food supply has dramatically changed. The production of wheat, maize, tobacco, coffee and tea has declined, while other crops such as small grains and edible beans have increased or remained steady.

However, the study also found that there is a core group of farmers representing around half of the population in the Masvingo province in the south-east of Zimbabwe who have been very successful.

"We recorded farmers who were investing and accumulating, building infrastructure such as wells, roads and houses and even schools, and growing surpluses for local markets in good rainfall years," says Professor Sc00nes.

"This is by no means true of all the households we studied. The picture is a mixed one, but generally we were surprised by the number of farms that are achieving considerable success," he adds.

It has been widely reported that the main beneficiaries of the land invasion were the political allies of the Mugabe regime, but the study showed that about half of the land was given over to poor rural people from the local area, while nearly 20 per cent was given to people in neighbouring urban areas who wanted to try farming instead of struggling on low income urban jobs. A further portion of the land went to civil servants, including teachers and others, business people and former farm workers, while only about five per cent of the households in Masvingo province could be said to fall into the category of 'political cronies'.

The "oppressed" white farmer shyt (:russ:) is basically a laughable manufactured racial controversy/red herring. This brilliant piece sums it up:


My only grievances with him are the issues with corruption and violence towards innocent people. The looting is just out of control. I mean, the country is among the poorest in the world and he's worth around $10 billion from all the diamond mines. This nikka froze every bank account in Zimbabwe and emptied the banks overnight :mindblown:. Impoverished people lost their life savings just like that.

I commend and support the economic exclusion of whites and other unwanted "visitors". I just don't see it actually happening (this new reform) since Mugabe's more or less only about him and his cronies and let's those Chinese neo-colonial fakkits do whatever they please (including not paying taxes and attacking and shooting blacks).

Last edited:


Jun 22, 2012
Anyone here defending Mugabe is sick in the head and has never spent a day in Zimbabwe. I lived there for 4 days with my pops.
It's hell on earth

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Anyone here defending Mugabe is sick in the head and has never spent a day in Zimbabwe. I lived there for 4 days with my pops.
It's hell on earth


Mugabe doesn't value African life one iota. It's easy to give him dap and call him a hero for simply ousting the cacs but if you actually see the kinds of sick things he does to his people you'd have to be truly heartless/fukked up to actually respect him. Out of sight out of mind I guess.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012

Workers claim abuse as China adds Zimbabwe to its scramble for Africa
Workers on Robert Mugabe's pet construction project say they suffer regular beatings and miserable pay and conditions


Robert Mugabe is welcomed to Beijing by the Chinese president, Hu Jintao. China plans to invest up to $10bn in Zimbabwe over the next five years, more than in any other country. Photograph: Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images
In the evening gloom the vast complex emerges into view. Beyond a high security wall, insects dance in the beam of a giant floodlight. Men are still hard at work in the skeletons of concrete tower blocks, and standing at the centre of it all is the arch of a Chinese pagoda.

Zimbabwe's national defence college is under construction within a sprawling, heavily-guarded compound whose brooding presence sends a clear message to any would-be revolutionary. Some have dubbed it the "Robert Mugabe national school of intelligence".

The construction site north of Harare has also become the lightning rod for another source of simmering resentment – Chinese labour practices.

Surrounded by a perimeter wall that runs for a kilometre through what was once farmland, the shadowy military academy is being built by a Chinese contractor whose managers are accused of meting out physical punishments, miserable conditions and meagre pay.

"The beatings happen very often," said a 28-year-old carpenter, wearing blue overalls as he made the long walk home after a 14-hour shift. "They ill-treat you and, if you make a mistake, they beat you up.

"I saw some men beaten up yesterday. A guy complained: 'You're not treating us like human beings,' and the Chinese replied: 'You should appreciate we've come to assist you.' They beat him up and he was fired." He estimated that there were about 600 Zimbabwean and 300 Chinese workers on the site. Around 50 of the Chinese were managers. Some of the Chinese have "nice homes inside" while others live in wooden shacks just outside the complex. The Zimbabweans and Chinese rarely mix, he added. "They don't speak English so we use sign language. The Chinese eat off plates, then give us the leftovers."

The carpenter said he typically gets up at 4am and works from 7am to 9pm every day. For this he is paid $4 (£2.50) a day, but at least it is work so he can feed his wife and three children. "We don't have a choice because we need to survive. But if it was possible to chase all the Chinese away, I would."

Reports of abuse by managers at the Chinese contractor, Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Company (AFECC), are widespread, as are complaints that the government is turning a blind eye because it cannot afford to lose such a valuable partner.

A 26-year-old builder, on his way to a nightshift, said: "We tried to go on strike but the leader of it was beaten up and sacked. The government doesn't say anything, even though it knows people are beaten up. I saw them undress some workers and beat them with helmets. Some of them were crying with the pain.

"We feel angry but we need money, so there is no choice. If you don't work 10 hours, there is no money."

Attempts to contact AFECC by telephone and email were unsuccessful. The company's website refers to projects in Ivory Coast, Mozambique and Zambia, and describes how the project team of the Zimbabwe national defence college raised $4,570 for a carpenter, Chen Zongde, whose son needed treatment for leukaemia.

Zimbabwe received a Chinese loan of $98m to build the college. It will be repaid over 20 years through earnings from the Marange diamond fields, which are being mined by another Chinese firm amid widespread claims of human rights violations under military control.

Okay Machisa, director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association, said: "Parliament approving such a debt without consulting Zimbabeweans is very serious. Why are we prioritising an army intelligence college instead of universities and hospitals?

"Harare has no electricity most of the time and the water is not good for human consumption. It shows we are trying to keep Zimbabwe under the control of state security."

China's commercial empire has expanded enormously in Africa over the past decade and Zimbabwe is trying to catch up. Trade between the two countries stood at $550m last year, according to the Chinese embassy.

The government in Harare has announced that China plans up to $10bn in investments over the next five years, more than in any other country.

Diamonds and other mineral resources are the main attraction, but Chinese entrepreneurs have also seized opportunities in construction, manufacturing and retail. Chinese restaurants are booming, attracting top politicians and businessmen. Shops are flooded with cheap Chinese imports, or "zhing-zhong", of dubious quality. Zimbabwean vendors claim they are being undercut and put out of work.

Just as a recent Human Rights Watch report alleged poor conditions at Chinese-run copper mines in neighbouring Zambia, so there is growing antipathy and mistrust in Zimbabwe. Trade unions have called for action and even members of Mugabe's Zanu-PF party have expressed disquiet.

Machisa said: "We've got alarming, shocking human rights abuses in firms operated by the Chinese. We've got empirical evidence that is going to shock the people of Zimbabwe. They are physically abusing the workers. They are psychologically terrorising the workers.

"But they are not being prosecuted. There is a culture of impunity."

Others believe the problem is a cultural misunderstanding.

A Chinese immigrant, 29-year-old Li Chen, said: "If Chinese people work from 8am till 8pm they have no problem. Sometimes they ask their employees to do the same and it makes them unhappy. It will not happen.

"It's a different culture. If people sit down and talk and understand each other, it should change."


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla

Mugabe doesn't value African life one iota. It's easy to give him dap and call him a hero for simply ousting the cacs but if you actually see the kinds of sick things he does to his people you'd have to be truly heartless/fukked up to actually respect him. Out of sight out of mind I guess.

Serious question...which African leader values another African's life?

The difference with the white man and African man is that the white man is crafty and mask his lack of care and greed with "charity", "aid", and "missionary". It makes it harder for Africans to hate whites full scale because they are not up on game...in fact Africans look to white western politicians for hope that they will come and change their situation. If Mugabe is thrown out, how will the next person help someone from Zimbabwe if the resources are still tied to the white and Chinese man? That is what makes it so easy for them to manipulate African politicians. Throw them a few crumbs and tell them to stay in line. There is a reason AFRICOM is in full effect. There is a reason that there is a new scramble for Africa among the Russians, West, and China. Even India is joining in.

We need to start being real with ourselves as black people in general. A lot of stuff that blacks think they own, they do not really own.

Oprah has OWN but its distributed by Discovery
Diddy has a deal with Ciroc but its owned by Diageo
Jay-Z has Roc Nation but its under Sony
Jordan has Jordan Brand but its under Nike
Dre has Beats by Dre but its under Monster Cable
BET is well, you know owned by Viacom. Its is controlled by cacs

We are not independent of cacs...anything we make money on they want their lion's share from it...all over the world. This includes anything that comes out from African soil.


May 7, 2012
Serious question...which African leader values another African's life?

The difference with the white man and African man is that the white man is crafty and mask his lack of care and greed with "charity", "aid", and "missionary". It makes it harder for Africans to hate whites full scale because they are not up on game...in fact Africans look to white western politicians for hope that they will come and change their situation. If Mugabe is thrown out, how will the next person help someone from Zimbabwe if the resources are still tied to the white and Chinese man? That is what makes it so easy for them to manipulate African politicians. Throw them a few crumbs and tell them to stay in line. There is a reason AFRICOM is in full effect. There is a reason that there is a new scramble for Africa among the Russians, West, and China. Even India is joining in.

We need to start being real with ourselves as black people in general. A lot of stuff that blacks think they own, they do not really own.

Oprah has OWN but its distributed by Discovery
Diddy has a deal with Ciroc but its owned by Diageo
Jay-Z has Roc Nation but its under Sony
Jordan has Jordan Brand but its under Nike
Dre has Beats by Dre but its under Monster Cable
BET is well, you know owned by Viacom. Its is controlled by cacs

We are not independent of cacs...anything we make money on they want their lion's share from it...all over the world. This includes anything that comes out from African soil.

Yup :manny:

shyt is dissapointing,its like how much longer are we going to let ourselves be made someone elses bytch? :ld: just embarassing as men

props to all the knowledge that was dropped on here