Ryback on his support for Zelina Vega: “I put out I support her and #F*ckWWE and that did decent. And I mean that because it really bothers me. because she’s super-talented… I get both sides of it and I never want to talk bad about wrestlers because we’re our own worst enemies. When you’re there and making that money, do I expect people to all of a sudden jeopardize that? The problem is – and this is what’s happened – she takes a stand and who else is with her? Nobody, nobody, nobody! That’s why I put that out, because it takes great courage to do that.”
“I guarantee you she got a message from probably the majority of the talent there commending her and saying how much they respect her. But they publicly won’t do a damn thing, and that’s the problem. Now if everybody that day and everybody in that company– if Roman said, ‘Guys, we’re not doing this anymore.’ And Drew, Drew the leader, right? A real leader would have done that and not just go with the flow. I love Drew and I love Roman, but you can’t count everybody because somebody’s gonna go tell the office, and that’s what happens.”