Zeke Thomas, Isiah Thomas Son Was Raped By Grindr Date

cozy carl

Boy Toy
Oct 18, 2017
Cozy Boyz
Damn I was just gonna download this app.not going to anymore, not tryna get raped.

You good fam. You just have to go in the settings and disable sexual assault in your user preferences.


King Khufu

Jan 1, 2018
At Ur Mama's Bando
This creeped me out as I'm not gay or supportive of any of it.

However shyt is sad, people just want to meet someone they like online and end up getting sexually abused or emotionally used.

Dating apps are a risk. Most times, it's better to meet in public places first anyway.

I think people who are (children of) celebrities should also let it be known just in case they can protect themselves.

(I say this knowing theres going to be some female readers that's going to save their day just off this advice and article. Most coli users take the posts as jokes but outside readers may not know that so its better they have good information to evaluate their interests.)
Dec 19, 2017
It could be related to testosterone. Kareem nicknamed Magic, "Buck" because he slept around with so many women...like all the damn time. Who knows whether it was just women, but either way, he was getting busy in that little club they had at the old Great Western Forum.

At any rate, really high levels of testosterone can lead you to exhibiting hypermasculine behavior...which means you'll end up being a straight up ladies man/man heaux or you might dip on the other side of the fence. At the very least high levels in the womb.

Male homosexuality as hypermasculine[edit]
Main article: Hypermasculinity
There is evidence of a correlation between sexual orientation and traits that are determined in utero.[3][page needed] A study by McFadden in 1998 found that auditory systems in the brain, another physical trait influenced by prenatal hormones is different in those of differing orientations; likewise the suprachiasmatic nucleus was found by Swaab and Hofman to be larger in homosexual men than in heterosexual men.[9] The suprachiasmatic nucleus is also known to be larger in men than in women.[10] An analysis of the hypothalamus by Swaab and Hofmann (1990;2007) found that the volume of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in homosexual men was 1.7 times larger than a reference group of male subjects, and contained 2.1 times as many cells.[8][11] During development, the volume of the SCN and the cell counts reach peak value at approximately 13 to 16 months after birth; at this age, the SCN contains the same number of cells as was found in adult male homosexuals, yet in a reference group of heterosexual males the cell numbers begin to decline to the adult value of 35% of the peak value.[8] These results have yet to be replicated, however; there also has yet to be a meaningful interpretation of these results provided in the context of human sexual orientation.[8] Some studies suggest gay men have also been shown to have higher levels of circulating androgens[12][13][14] and larger penises,[15] on average, than heterosexual men.