YSL Morant showing off gun on IG Live this morning


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Le Grand Congo (Kin)
I personally don’t think it’s ok but I’m not about to be part of the smear campaign to tear Ja down unless he did something criminal. Big homie needs to grow up for sure though

Bro doing the wrong thing does not necessarily have to be criminal. Is that where the standard is these days? As long as you are doing a bunch of fukk shyt that can lead to bodily harm, prison or death, you should not be criticized or "smeared" as long as it ain't illegal? So wait until he crashes out, then criticize him until then hold off on "smearing " him?

Dude has been involved in multiple off-court incidents that are questionable at best and involve him being in altercation where guns are in the mix and yet we are not supposed to be critical of him because he has not been in front of a judge or charged with anything. That sounds backwards as hell.
Last edited:
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
BTW, big shouts to myself for literally giving the process and formulas you need to know about to borrower money as a business owner from a bank :heh: Literally thats my job that I've done for a $40mm tranche of a $350mm loan and as recently as this week for a $1.5mm equipment loan.

if you can take anything from this fukkery filled thread, I hope its that brehs :manny:


May 15, 2014
Thanks, I remember ESPN flipflopping over The Decision. They wanted Lebron to pick the Knicks.

ESPN has been trash for a longtime. Glad that Stern flexed on them over that bullshyt.
Breh those late 90s to 2000s and early 2010s ESPN was the worse. They were basically crime story chasers. I remember they would do breaking news after every black athlete got in trouble. IMO after that OJ verdict they realized there was no money in covering sports. The real money was covering black athletes getting in trouble.

I mean we had them covering the NBA players sleeping with prostitutes in the strip club story. These clowns literally did an outside the lines report on it. I mean who can forget that story in which they went into detail how Pat Ewing was getting divorced and how him sleeping with strippers was one of the big parts of the divorce. They literally covered the Michael Jordan dead side baby court case with the white women (weekly coverage), the Kobe sexual assault case being covered daily, the constant Adam Jones updates on everything he did off the field, the constant questioning of whether Sosa was on PEDs (while letting Mark ride), the constant questioning of Bonds and PEDs (you had folks on ESPN breaking down the size of his head stating that was due to PEDs), the updates on the Marion Jones and PED use. Then the supernova of daily coverage on Tiger and his side white women, the Vick dog fighting daily coverage and finally the daily hot takes on Lebron after the decision.

It was to a point that ESPN was basically hiring black talking heads just so they could push the hot takes or do the coverage of said black athlete who they deem had done bad....just so ESPN wouldn't look so racist.

I brought it up on here so many times that ESPN was heavy in the anti black athlete machine feeding frenzy that they would cover any transgression a black athlete (or their family had). So much so that on their website McNabb getting a parking ticket for parking in a handicapped parking space was listed at the top of their website ticker. Never mind that McNabb was recovering from ACL surgery and his assistant was the one with the car. Or how Byron Scott daughter getting arrested for smoking weed was at the top of the ticket as well as an article with her mug shot. Or how Allen Iverson step dad was arrested and that was at the top of the ESPN site ticker.

But somehow during this time when white athletes got in trouble ESPN didn't have the same vigor to cover those stories. Even when their kids got arrested for smoking weed...cough cough Bill Belichick son, or when their sons were drug dealing in poor communities.....cough cough Andy Reid's sons. Somehow these stories weren't as important as the ones with black athletes and their families getting in trouble.

That is why I always thought it was hilarious to me when ESPN people (no matter the race) would call Barstool racist. When there own network has a history of racism internally and what is broadcasted out on the air. Like the millions of hit pieces on black athletes isn't racist? Like hiring Rush Limbaugh isn't racist? Like having someone like Bonnie Bernstein compare black basketball players to suicide bombers isn't racist. Just cause you hire some liberal black folks at your network to quote rap lyrics and call out one of two white racist while they are dog catching for white folks when targeting black athletes, don't mean your network isn't just as racist as the rest. You just got sugar on regular shyt as a coverup on who you really are and just cause it tastes good doesn't mean it isn't shyt.


All Praise To TMH
May 1, 2012
BTW, big shouts to myself for literally giving the process and formulas you need to know about to borrower money as a business owner from a bank :heh: Literally thats my job that I've done for a $40mm tranche of a $350mm loan and as recently as this week for a $1.5mm equipment loan.

if you can take anything from this fukkery filled thread, I hope its that brehs :manny:

bro you have data points for institutions?

If so im bout to Dm you