Youtuber explains why she only talks about Kamala and not Trump


Feb 16, 2017
Phil's channel has been pumping out anti Kamala videos everyday while never talking about Trump. Does the sista make a good point or is she wrong?

Actually as someone constantly hearing Anti Kamala talk all over Black Youtube I kinda feel her.

At least she acknowledges that the Black people who do vote Vote for Democrats and she ain't acting like that's gonna change anytime soon.

She also acknowledges that the Republicans won't do shyt either.

The only thing I would add is if you know that you're getting nothing no matter what then frankly the real answer is to divest as much as you can from the system. Not voting Democrat is just the first baby step the final giant leap is to remove your investment because at the end of the day none of the other groups got anything because they liked them They did it because they voted with their wallets first.

That's what Black people don't get constantly begging for what we deserve and owed when we should be TAKING IT


Feb 16, 2017
Black people are less than 13% of the population. Of that 13% maybe 10% is eligible to vote. Of that 10% maybe 7 or 8% do if that's in line with the general trend of voting patterns in America.

How many elections have been decided solely off the black vote? Where is this narrative that black people are somehow the deciding factor on whether democrats or Republicans win? We are no more special than literally any other adult that is eligible to vote and we vote based on our interests.

A person's environment is a major factor that just seems to keep getting glossed over. A black man that grew up around Caucasians and lives in a white suburb is far more likely to vote the same as his neighbors than a black man that lives in a black neighborhood. I really dislike this assumption that we're a hivemind.

When it comes to the threat of racism, I think we CAN get on code as it were because most black people aren't naive enough to think america isn't racist. It's a threat that affects you regardless of age or status. The party that is explicitly racist is telling you you're not welcome and your other choices are a third party(like green or socialist) that is explicitly anti racist and has a reparations agenda, or the democrats who are telling you that you're welcome but don't expect to get very much stuff just for you as a group if they can't make the case that everyone in America will benefit.

How many black people have even come close to the republican nomination for president? The history speaks for itself.

Shout out to her for trying tho, get your clicks and engagement. She's not attacking electoral politics in general from an anarchist perspective, and she's not advancing a third party alternative either. She's doing what a lot of Tariq stans do and just engaging in substance less pessimism.

Again, if you're going to call out the democrats then prop UP someone better. Otherwise all you're doing is telling people to not vote. And if you're going to do that, then prop UP social movements happening RIGHT now. And if you're not going to do that either, then what the fukk are you doing other than whining at a camera all day.
exactly. I share her pessimism about american politics so I let the country. I don't expect anyone to fix the race solider problem because what makes america america is exploitation of Black people.

There's no way america can be rich without oppressing Black people and 13% of mainly off code people who are hyperfocused on Black people's flaws while glossing over the crimes of white people ain't gonna change anything soon. So either make the best of a bad situation by fixing your mirco community or absorb yourself as best you can in the dominant society or go somewhere else.

Get busy livin' or Get busy dyin'


Jul 25, 2018
I hate this fukkin dumbass simple minded "well we don't vote for them" argument from these wannabe intellects so much.

One of the most repeated smart-dumb nicca talking points.

If I said it once I've said it a million times: Just because we don't vote Republican does not mean Republicans do not exist!

We are still impacted, moreso than any other group, by their laws, their rhetoric, their judicial appointments, and their policy agendas.

We are STILL fighting in courts and getting fukked over by Trump RIGHT NOW. Not by "Democrats." If you completely ignore that shyt and the further threat of a Trump second term like its not happening but got a mouthful to say as a "pro-black" woman about "Democrats" you're not some militant thought leader, you're a stooge and a coward.


Jul 25, 2018
No if you’re espousing yourself as not left or right but only heavily attack the other side and then make up some mealy mouthed BS for not doing it to the other it just screams that’s your side.

It’s not like it’s some average republican it’s literally one of the most controversial politicians.

Own your shyt really.

Thank you.

"I'm apolitical but I only go after Democrats. Since we don't vote Republican, they and everything they do is above criticism from us."

To hell with these damn c00ns. Just say you support Trump and spare us the phony intellect babble.


Feb 16, 2017
Thank you.

"I'm apolitical but I only go after Democrats. Since we don't vote Republican, they and everything they do is above criticism from us."

To hell with these damn c00ns. Just say you support Trump and spare us the phony intellect babble.
The worse thing is they did this in the Trump era nobody was saying this shyt when it was Romney or McCain.

nikkas are claiming to want Trump to win for spite. Let a generic republican run and they be mad as hell if they won.

Also by not criticizing Trump now you don't get to criticize him if he becomes president. If he does something to harm Black people like completely cut off HBCU funding You can't get mad at him then. Say what you want about Kamala as long as she's there Howard is getting funded.

People take butta biscuits and nikka trinkets for granted it'd be a snap to cut off funding and or declare HBCU's somehow unconstitutional especially Howard as it's basically federally funded as is the university of the District of Colombia.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
I hate this fukkin dumbass simple minded "well we don't vote for them" argument from these wannabe intellects so much.

One of the most repeated smart-dumb nicca talking points.

If I said it once I've said it a million times: Just because we don't vote Republican does not mean Republicans do not exist!

We are still impacted, moreso than any other group, by their laws, their rhetoric, their judicial appointments, and their policy agendas.

We are STILL fighting in courts and getting fukked over by Trump RIGHT NOW. Not by "Democrats." If you completely ignore that shyt and the further threat of a Trump second term like its not happening but got a mouthful to say as a "pro-black" woman about "Democrats" you're not some militant thought leader, you're a stooge and a coward.
People like her are living in an echochamber where all their statements are validated constantly. There's no sense of actual political literacy guiding this, just whining dressed up as criticism. It's like how people think a debate is a word fight rather than two teachers attempting to explain the subject they're knowledgeable about to the other person. When ideas are compared and picked apart, then both parties walk away from the exchange feeling more educated.

The republic is still considered one of the greatest works of political philosophy because it's written from the perspective of men discussing what justice means. They each enter the conversation and Socrates asks each speaker to expand on what their definition of justice is. He then goes on to question each tenet that led them to the definition they carry around. It spawned an entire new form of education called Socratic questioning.

If your goal is to inform black people about the political realities in America, that means looking at each piece.

The green party is certified for ballot in 27 states and has a reparations and racial justice agenda.

The party for socialism and liberation is certified for ballot in 12 states and has a reparations and racial justice agenda.

The pessimists on the board NEVER mention Claudia De la Cruz or Jill stein or cornel west. All three have blatantly black agendas. Why aren't they promoting their platforms, why aren't they even saying their names?

It's one thing to pick apart and compare the records and platforms of the democrats, but then to literally say nothing as if there's no alternative is just an exposal of one's own political ignorance and journalistic malpractice if you consider yourself an investigator. It's malpractice if you consider yourself a political scientist. It's just plain ignorance if you're an influencer and you're unknowingly contributing to black disenfranchisement by not at the very least propping up and speaking positively of the people that actually ARE speaking on the topics you want politicians to speak on and actually DO have a black agenda that is unambiguous in who they're targeting.

If you're an anarchist and you think elections are merely a smokescreen, then speak on how the 5 day workweek was the result of social movements which resulted in individual workplaces switching to the 5 day system and then spreading, emphasize how direct action as a group got shyt done instead of a politician. Emphasize how housing justice is achieved by systems of mutual aid in a community and how many people were saved from eviction because people got together, donated to a rent bank and the rent bank was used by the most vulnerable members in the community. Talk about how the black panthers had a meal program and sketch out plans for how a national network of power can be built so that black kids are fed all over America instead of having to wait for politicians to vote that in as a law. Talk about mutual aid that allows for people to donate money to pay for the bail or legal fees for black people that were arrested without cause, medical mutual aid networks so that the bills of a brutalized black person at the hands of police can be paid while they recover in hospital.

They never talk about shyt like that because they either don't know about it or don't care about it, or are the kind of hard headed dumb fks who will just double down and pretend you didn't say anything because you gave them criticism that they're intellectually ill equipped to understand let alone dismantle.


Feb 16, 2017
People like her are living in an echochamber where all their statements are validated constantly. There's no sense of actual political literacy guiding this, just whining dressed up as criticism. It's like how people think a debate is a word fight rather than two teachers attempting to explain the subject they're knowledgeable about to the other person. When ideas are compared and picked apart, then both parties walk away from the exchange feeling more educated.

The republic is still considered one of the greatest works of political philosophy because it's written from the perspective of men discussing what justice means. They each enter the conversation and Socrates asks each speaker to expand on what their definition of justice is. He then goes on to question each tenet that led them to the definition they carry around. It spawned an entire new form of education called Socratic questioning.

If your goal is to inform black people about the political realities in America, that means looking at each piece.

The green party is certified for ballot in 27 states and has a reparations and racial justice agenda.

The party for socialism and liberation is certified for ballot in 12 states and has a reparations and racial justice agenda.

The pessimists on the board NEVER mention Claudia De la Cruz or Jill stein or cornel west. All three have blatantly black agendas. Why aren't they promoting their platforms, why aren't they even saying their names?

It's one thing to pick apart and compare the records and platforms of the democrats, but then to literally say nothing as if there's no alternative is just an exposal of one's own political ignorance and journalistic malpractice if you consider yourself an investigator. It's malpractice if you consider yourself a political scientist. It's just plain ignorance if you're an influencer and you're unknowingly contributing to black disenfranchisement by not at the very least propping up and speaking positively of the people that actually ARE speaking on the topics you want politicians to speak on and actually DO have a black agenda that is unambiguous in who they're targeting.

If you're an anarchist and you think elections are merely a smokescreen, then speak on how the 5 day workweek was the result of social movements which resulted in individual workplaces switching to the 5 day system and then spreading, emphasize how direct action as a group got shyt done instead of a politician. Emphasize how housing justice is achieved by systems of mutual aid in a community and how many people were saved from eviction because people got together, donated to a rent bank and the rent bank was used by the most vulnerable members in the community. Talk about how the black panthers had a meal program and sketch out plans for how a national network of power can be built so that black kids are fed all over America instead of having to wait for politicians to vote that in as a law. Talk about mutual aid that allows for people to donate money to pay for the bail or legal fees for black people that were arrested without cause, medical mutual aid networks so that the bills of a brutalized black person at the hands of police can be paid while they recover in hospital.

They never talk about shyt like that because they either don't know about it or don't care about it, or are the kind of hard headed dumb fks who will just double down and pretend you didn't say anything because you gave them criticism that they're intellectually ill equipped to understand let alone dismantle.
The Panther free Breakfast Program was a bottom up solution that got started for the people by the people.

they noticed that Black kids weren't learning because they were sent to school hungry so they fed them.

That program alone was both wildly popular and a threat to all political parties in Black disticts.

They had to get rid of the party so they did what they did and the Democrats co opted the program. Say what you want the republicans would've never funded this. To this day most republicans think that the department of Education should be abolished and education should be funded by block grants and local taxes.

It's a literally butta biscuit that I and many Black people to include Coli MAGAts took advantage of and would like to see continue.

But so a illegal alien getting a free breakfast and the cut off your nose to spite your face crowd would vote against that even though they're own kids benefit from the same program.


Feb 16, 2017
People like her are living in an echochamber where all their statements are validated constantly. There's no sense of actual political literacy guiding this, just whining dressed up as criticism. It's like how people think a debate is a word fight rather than two teachers attempting to explain the subject they're knowledgeable about to the other person. When ideas are compared and picked apart, then both parties walk away from the exchange feeling more educated.

The republic is still considered one of the greatest works of political philosophy because it's written from the perspective of men discussing what justice means. They each enter the conversation and Socrates asks each speaker to expand on what their definition of justice is. He then goes on to question each tenet that led them to the definition they carry around. It spawned an entire new form of education called Socratic questioning.

If your goal is to inform black people about the political realities in America, that means looking at each piece.

The green party is certified for ballot in 27 states and has a reparations and racial justice agenda.

The party for socialism and liberation is certified for ballot in 12 states and has a reparations and racial justice agenda.

The pessimists on the board NEVER mention Claudia De la Cruz or Jill stein or cornel west. All three have blatantly black agendas. Why aren't they promoting their platforms, why aren't they even saying their names?

It's one thing to pick apart and compare the records and platforms of the democrats, but then to literally say nothing as if there's no alternative is just an exposal of one's own political ignorance and journalistic malpractice if you consider yourself an investigator. It's malpractice if you consider yourself a political scientist. It's just plain ignorance if you're an influencer and you're unknowingly contributing to black disenfranchisement by not at the very least propping up and speaking positively of the people that actually ARE speaking on the topics you want politicians to speak on and actually DO have a black agenda that is unambiguous in who they're targeting.

If you're an anarchist and you think elections are merely a smokescreen, then speak on how the 5 day workweek was the result of social movements which resulted in individual workplaces switching to the 5 day system and then spreading, emphasize how direct action as a group got shyt done instead of a politician. Emphasize how housing justice is achieved by systems of mutual aid in a community and how many people were saved from eviction because people got together, donated to a rent bank and the rent bank was used by the most vulnerable members in the community. Talk about how the black panthers had a meal program and sketch out plans for how a national network of power can be built so that black kids are fed all over America instead of having to wait for politicians to vote that in as a law. Talk about mutual aid that allows for people to donate money to pay for the bail or legal fees for black people that were arrested without cause, medical mutual aid networks so that the bills of a brutalized black person at the hands of police can be paid while they recover in hospital.

They never talk about shyt like that because they either don't know about it or don't care about it, or are the kind of hard headed dumb fks who will just double down and pretend you didn't say anything because you gave them criticism that they're intellectually ill equipped to understand let alone dismantle.
Think Coli MAGAt's care about reparations brehs.


Feb 16, 2017
I don't think they're MAGA, just rightfully annoyed by the state of black america and the lack of political inaction.
Most smart people understand Math like Most Black people support reparations but understand due to the extreme unpopularity from anyone not Black means that's unlikely to happen.

I kinda don't understand these types point out what gays and immgrants get don't they know that that;s how white people see Black people? As undesirable undeserving leeches who get too much government assistance as it is?

And just Like Black people would rightfully point out that poor whites get the lionshare of public assistance immigrants would say that they get very little of what people think that they get.


Sep 15, 2014
You should always criticize your pick. You should also help elevate the complaints against your pick. It’s the only way to force them into a postition that favors you.

Trump said he supports no tax on tips and Vance says $5,000 child tax credit expansion.

Now Kamala supports no tax on tips and $6,000 child tax credits.

Y’all not ready for that tho. Y’all still want rep for your posts.

shes shiftless, empty pants suit woman.

it is what it is at this point.

In order for real change, we need the economy to fail and rev olutio nary fervor to take place within in the population.

The current political system where corporations own the government needs to be eradicated. Nothing will change until then.


Feb 16, 2017
shes shiftless, empty pants suit woman.

it is what it is at this point.

In order for real change, we need the economy to fail and rev olutio nary fervor to take place within in the population.

The current political system where corporations own the government needs to be eradicated. Nothing will change until then.
You do know that means that you'll be sleeping on the streets right?


Sep 2, 2014
She gave the game away starting at 4:20. She wants what is giving to migrants, Ukrainians, Afghans, Israel, LGBT...

Could she name any of those things? Its like I keep hearing about what LGBTQ people get but marraige for them is recent. Guess who in the past two years got the full-court press of negativity to the point that some states are straight up hostile to them? It feels like when I hear the words "Getting nothing for their votes" I have to ask what qualifies as something, cause I can think of 3 major things I benefitted from financially(since that seems to be the barometer) that was not specifically FOR black people but absolutely put me in a better position in life. These conversations suffer from broad brushes and the people who are the most mad and the most vague seem to get the most support.

Hold Kamala's feet to the fire. Keep that energy. But don't be stupid and tell half the story. I keep hearing from Phil and his folk about Chicago and migrants but they pay a passing word to the fukker in Texas SENDING THEM UP HERE!

"Democrats need to secure the borders."

Not only are crossings way down, something they don't mention, but Trump nixed a bipartisan bill architected by Republicans just so he had something to run on. They NEVER talk about this. When people say "Why don't you talk about the Republicans" it is because a lot of these critics act like Politics is run by Democrats who treat life like a comic but and let Republicans do awful shyt to keep us on our toes.

If a bill that we as black folks like does not have enough votes, its kinda fukking important if you mention those who voted against it.

Tell the whole truth and stop shilling on the sly. They big up Trump every chance they get and act like its objective.

I said it before and will say it again: Evanston Illinois got reparations going. DEMOCRATS did that. Its now in court. REPUBLICANS DID THAT.

These people would go out of their way to ask "What Democrats are doing about it" but not utter a word about the conservative court taking up the case and the conservative org that got the case into court. They act like Democrats are Superman choosing either to act or not. Its not intellectually honest and it conditions black folks to tune out of the process before they even learn how it works.


Sep 15, 2014
You do know that means that you'll be sleeping on the streets right?
:hubie: :manny: All I am telling you are the necessary forces needed to cultivate institutional changes.

:yeshrug: I also have a skillset, I do acknowledge that it would affect a number of people close to me though.