Young Bucks gon have reps from the Guinness Book at the show to verify the record for super kicks.
These guys are so creative out there and pull out all these great looking moves and they have absolutely no impact. The other night on PPV Ryback gorilla pressed Kalisto off the fukkin top rope - which looked great and the crowd popped big for it - only to have Kalisto get up IMMEDIATELY and lead into the finish.
I was baffled. It didn't even effect him. Way back before I was Larry Holmes status, he would have sold that move like crazy and stayed on the floor like he was dead and it might have became a classic spot. In fact that could be a god damn finisher for Ryback... but Kalisto shook it off and got right up.
Sometimes the guy getting put IN the movie looks less hurt than the guy putting it on. Terrible.
Nah, that ( when used correctly) is a great way to add suspense to a tag match while still protecting the other team's finisher.
It's probably the only time I'm OK with false finishes.