Yo this match was hilarious. The build up involved that awful storyline of Bulldog thinking Michaels was trying to fukked Diane. And then Michaels started dogging it in ring because the ref told him to wrap it up and go home(If you find the match on youtube, you can see him arguing with Hebner while no selling a chinlock from Bulldog) Michaels started missing spots and flying all over the ring for no reason and Vince/Lawler were just speechless trying to explain what was going onThats my angry, former pill popping GAWD
The mania 25 entrance is the greatest in wrestling history, HBGoat entrance will never be topped.WM 25 vs Taker
Badd Blood vs Taker
WM 10 vs Razor
WM 12 vs Bret
WM 20 vs Benoit & HHH
was that the one with that RIDICULOUS promo at the end where he was dumping ALL OVER bulldog and the hart foundation??
No this was from 96 before the hart foundation. I remember it was full of fukkery with Clarence Mason serving Michaels some restraining order or lawsuit from Diane. Then, after Michaels threw the bytch fit, he started missing all types of clotheslines/flying elbows on purpose. I remember he was suppose to take a knee to the gut from bulldog, but he deliberately side stepped him and literally spunned/cartwheeled out of the ring to the announcers table, selling it like he got shot. It was worse than what he did with Hogan
The mania 25 entrance is the greatest in wrestling history, HBGoat entrance will never be topped.