Your top 5 hip hop albums from the 2000s?


i speak facts not emotions
Dec 9, 2014
dallas texas
i see supreme clientele getting a lot of love in here, am i the only dude on earth that thinks bulletproof wallets edges it out? anyway here's my list in no particular order:

kanye west - late registration
jay z - the blueprint 1
young jeezy - thug motivation 101
cannibal ox - the cold vein
project pat - mista don't play

unless u talking about the original bulleproof wallets then nah


i speak facts not emotions
Dec 9, 2014
dallas texas
So many classics...

Best era IMO. Only thing it was missing was Pac.

The movements of Roc, dipset state prop, g unit, ruff ryders/d block...

Neptunes, just blaze, timbaland, swizz, scott storch...imean the producers were absurd...

Also the era I grew up in tho. Which always changes how u look at an era. I deff listened to the 90s during and thruout however. That's the difference with this next gen. No one looks back or listens to the older eras anymore. My lil bro in law which is 24 has never heard pre american gangster jay. Never heard pac really. No old nas. Imean these are the basics brehs...

80 and 90's >>>>>>>>>>>> 2000 and beyond


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
you're right it's cyclical. it's always gonna be it was better in my day

Everything you said is true. To the quoted, brothers really be in denial about this lol. If we all understood and acknowledged it, there would be a lot less hating going around...

3 decades, if you count the pre-wax era of the '70s.

it has nothing to do with bias. im 33 bro. the 2000s was the prime of my life. but I know how to be objective. and in fairness, I was around music since birth basically, so its impossible for me to look at things like "my era" or "your era". there was great stuff in the 2000s that could shine in any era, but from top-to-bottom, its not touching the '80s or '90s at all. and if you weren't around or havnt done the proper research, you wouldn't understand. the 2000s was dope definitely. I would love it if the quality went back up to that level. but if you think that was the highest level overall, youre either thinking subjectively or just oblivious.

and like I said, its not even about era bias. I realized that hip-hop in particular was on a downward spiral to hell when I was in 11th grade(the greatest time period in life for a lot of people). back when everything became monopolized. all the video stations getting bought out and ending up under Viacom. all the radio stations getting bought out and ending up under 2 umbrellas. same thing with the record labels to where now, everything getting national shine is under 1 or 2 umbrellas. you don't think that's problematic? it affected the music greatly. by the time school was out, the radio was depressing. fast forward to today, and the scene is a complete & utter joke.

at least in the 2000s, the underground & semi-mainstream carried hip-hop on their backs. but we're at the point now where the rappers in those positions, generally aren't that good because they grew up on bullchit.

nobody says '96 & '88 are the same era because back then, things were way more organic and changed rapidly. so of course nobody is grouping those years together. hell, you couldn't even group '88 in the same boat as 86 or 91. nowadays, you can group a whole stretch of the past 12 years together. clearly something aint right.

sports is a different animal because the cream of the crop usually rises to the big leagues 90% of the time. as opposed to the music industry, where they will purposely hamper or completely shut out the true talents, while they force trash to the forefront.

Hip hop was born in the 70s but was prepubescent and not even half a decade of material. But I get your point here...

I definitely didn't say the 00s was the highest level musically, but I'm canceling the thought that 80s and 90s music was categorically better. We in the same age bracket (I'm 29), I just look at periods as being what they are for they era. I'm partial to 00s hip hop as it's the era I grew up in, but I listen/ed to a lot of 90s stuff, and outside of hip hop, I'm partial to 80s music (rock/pop). And this is coming from someone whose Aunt was a road manager and booking agent for DJ Yella back when, but I'm not a big fan of 80s hip hop at all. Not for me, I appreciate it for what it was but better or worse? Eye of the beholder...

Your statement about stringing 12 years together as "same" basically highlights one of my points. Do we really have to point out the stylistic differences in 2018 hip hop, compared to 2006 hip hop? Lol really?

The best tend to rise in music, too. I'm not a curmudgeon or a believer that everyone great gets blackballed or stonewalled. But I've known others who disagree with me, I love talking music and rap with any and everyone about it...

Lastly, 11th grade wasn't my prime haha. I got kicked out of 11th grade and went to jail shortly thereafter, the start of what became a prison sentence. Memorable time for me but definitely not my prime!

the '90s new school was moreso bad-mouthed for the content, and right-fully so.

but nobody was bad-mouthing the quality. that's the diffefence. and that's why young cats get so mad nowadays, as opposed to other eras where young cats just took their criticisms in stride. young people now have a chip on their shoulder because they know theyre generally just seen as a joke. and you cant play the "yall don't understand us" card, because everything being done now, has already been done, and its been done way better. theres no new waves coming out of this generation. its just watered-down waves from the past.

and they were absolutely correct. by the mid-90s on out, hip-hop performances have taken a considerable dip. the '70s & '80s were far superior from a performance standpoint.

majority of modern hip-hop shows(mid-90s to today) are mediocre in comparison. even people of the era often complain about concerts that they went to.

but notice, they weren't saying the rap game is wack & dead.

This post makes you absolutely look like a "mine was better than yours" guy lol...

I knew plenty of older guys saying the new school 90s quality was trash. Granted, maybe my comparison base is different than yours. I went to prison at 17 and spent years around thousands of older cats. I can't tell you how many times I knew older guys trashing the music of the 90s and even 80s. Even before then, my grandparents were born in the 40s and were not fans of hip hop, as they came of age in the pre-hip hop eras of the 60s and early 70s. Or does that make their opinions of 80s and 90s hip hop invalid? It was all "black music" to them and the "black music" of their day was better to them...

We the same age range, family. I understand that everything is cyclical, we've seen alot of the same trends. Every era says the "young people" have chips on they shoulder, and now that we in our 30s we headed on that same route...

This is in general, away from the music but about the eras in general:

I'll never forget telling my stepmom I wish I was alive in the 80s (born in '89), but alive to experience the 80s, because of how much I love music and movies from that time. And she was born in '67, and her response to me, while laughing: "Why? It wasn't that great!"

And later, while discussing street politics with my born mother, who was a gangbanger in her day, we were talking street politics and snitch code and homo shyt and drugs and everything. And my mom (born in '66), her response paraphrased:

"I don't know why some of these nikkas (her age) act like nikkas wasnt snitching and being fags back in the day. The 80s made that snitching shyt popular, I remember nikkas getting they dikk sucked by punks behind the laundromat then coming around the homies like they wasn't closet fags. nikkas always acting like yall (my) era doing some shyt we wasnt doing, and it just got worse in the 90s, the snitching shyt was at an all time high"...

So I'm just using parallel examples to echo what you said, that everything is cyclical, but to also highlight that many people, including those older than us who experienced those eras as adults, dont believe those eras were "better" for shyt...


Aug 10, 2012
when I was coming up, the only kids/teens that knew their history were the ones who were exposed to it. young cats my age weren't going back in history to listen to '80s rap, and prolly didn't even know that '70s rappers existed. at the most, they would make 1 or 2 personal exceptions and just disregard all the other rappers.
In the Bay Area at least, we didn’t have a choice but to be exposed to the 70s/80s. The radio would play classic joints and Rap City had old school Wednesday’s. Nowadays, kids don’t have those gatekeepers.

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD





Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Hip hop was born in the 70s but was prepubescent and not even half a decade of material. But I get your point here...

I definitely didn't say the 00s was the highest level musically, but I'm canceling the thought that 80s and 90s music was categorically better. We in the same age bracket (I'm 29), I just look at periods as being what they are for they era. I'm partial to 00s hip hop as it's the era I grew up in, but I listen/ed to a lot of 90s stuff, and outside of hip hop, I'm partial to 80s music (rock/pop). And this is coming from someone whose Aunt was a road manager and booking agent for DJ Yella back when, but I'm not a big fan of 80s hip hop at all. Not for me, I appreciate it for what it was but better or worse? Eye of the beholder...

Your statement about stringing 12 years together as "same" basically highlights one of my points. Do we really have to point out the stylistic differences in 2018 hip hop, compared to 2006 hip hop? Lol really?

The best tend to rise in music, too. I'm not a curmudgeon or a believer that everyone great gets blackballed or stonewalled. But I've known others who disagree with me, I love talking music and rap with any and everyone about it...

Lastly, 11th grade wasn't my prime haha. I got kicked out of 11th grade and went to jail shortly thereafter, the start of what became a prison sentence. Memorable time for me but definitely not my prime!

rap was around for nearly the entire decade of the '70s.

eye of the beholder? how many '80s records did you hear in real-time or at least semi-real time??

you didn't get the point I was making with that 12 years comment. the fact that I can group 12 whole years together as one era is not a good thing at all. it just goes to show how diluted the music has become. 12 years is supposed to account for 3 or 4 different eras. that's a red flag right there.

I didn't say everyone great gets blackballed but if you truly believe the entertainment industry isn't the opposite of fair game, then we can just abort this discussion right now.

oh nah, im not saying 11th grade is necessarily the prime years. im saying that era of peoples' lives is usually the time period that people point to as to when most listener's nostalgia biases generally kick in.

This post makes you absolutely look like a "mine was better than yours" guy lol...

I knew plenty of older guys saying the new school 90s quality was trash. Granted, maybe my comparison base is different than yours. I went to prison at 17 and spent years around thousands of older cats. I can't tell you how many times I knew older guys trashing the music of the 90s and even 80s. Even before then, my grandparents were born in the 40s and were not fans of hip hop, as they came of age in the pre-hip hop eras of the 60s and early 70s. Or does that make their opinions of 80s and 90s hip hop invalid? It was all "black music" to them and the "black music" of their day was better to them...

I'll never forget telling my stepmom I wish I was alive in the 80s (born in '89), but alive to experience the 80s, because of how much I love music and movies from that time. And she was born in '67, and her response to me, while laughing: "Why? It wasn't that great!"

this doesn't make sense. if you say we're somewhat from the same era, then how am I making a "my era is better than yours" argument? if anything, its the other way around. im being objective homie.

and you went way off-topic after that. I just quoted the stuff that applies.

of course a lot of older people that came of age before hip-hop dismiss the genre. its not their music. im talking about the criticisms from the elders WITHIN THE CULTURE. when people from the '70s & '80s THAT WERE INTO HIP-HOP criticized the music in the '90s & the better half of the '00s; it was moreso about the content, and rightfully so. they weren't complaining about the level of quality. like I said, completely different animal.

of course your stepmom aint interested in reliving the '80s. THAT WAS THE CRACK ERA. we're still in recovery mode from that chit, 30 years later. im talking strictly hip-hop.
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