good in theory, poor in practice.
/thread. The idea was to make sure race wasn't a deciding factor, and it's been turned into "if you don't pick me, you're racist" Let's be reality, whites find ways around this sh*t all the time, e.g. Chicago w/ sanitation contracts. I need to see the stats that AA has positively benefited black America, because having gone through the system I don't believe it, other than easier access to colleges in which poor students rack up a lifetime of debt. I've had teachers tell me to my face they didn't recommend me for honors classes, but the school had to allow it 'cause of my grades (this is when I moved to the 'burbs for high school). My AutoCAD teacher made me take the finals twice because he believed I cheated because I got the highest score (96%), and got a 95% the second time again
, a Latino cat at that. For me, for AA to have a real effect, it shouldn't be about mandatory inclusion into majority white companies, I would think about something similar to what they did for the Indian tribes, designate certain types of business in majority black areas, and let the whole community eat off it, and reinvest a percentage of the profits into free education for the community. AA's are like 12% of the population overall, but in the places where we really need jobs, AAs are 25-35% of the population at a minimum, a good 90% of the people benefiting from AA would have gotten hired anyway to be honest IMHO. Using the Chi as an example, If AA was really based on population percentage I'd say all the businesses on the southside of Chicago would be about 60% black, but that's obviously not the case, not to mention most businesses in the black neighborhoods aren't Fortune 500 size, so they rarely get scrutinized.