here's an example of a white man who's threatened by Steve Harvey, you can tell by his clenched facial expressions, but after Steve delivers the chicken joke, he's much more relaxed.
pay close attention to Kemp, his facial expressions AND his left hand.
at about 0:18 seconds, Kemp slightly moves his hand back, he's nervous about the answer he gave and he's also still unsure about the Black man in very close proximity to him.
0:23 his fingers creep even further back, he's trying to create more distance between himself and Steve, this is involuntary as he is in nervous cac mode,
Steve gets too close for comfort, so close that Kemp is only maintaining contact with the surface of the table using the tips of his fingers, Steve has breached his comfort zone.
Steve's joke has worked, it gives Kemp the sense of "hey this guy is actually funny"
but more importantly, note the non-verbal cues that the guy next to Kemp is giving him to help him become more relaxed, the head nods symbolizing "yes", and the upper back rub, which means "everything is okay" in this scenario. Kemp's hands relax onto the table and the threat level has severely decreased in Kemp's opinion.
watch Kemp's throat, he swallows, symbolizing