One of my top five moments in N64 wrestlin' game history...
I was the worst player out of my friends since I didn't own a N64. The only time I played was when I was at someone's house
One day we were havin' a four way elimination title match (WrestleMania 2000) and I thought I was gonna be the first one out off GP. Somethin' clicked that day though and I ended up as the last person against the top player of my friends
I was dat boi Shawn Michaels and he was usin' his Goldberg CAW. The excitement in the room was crazy on some big time event type shyt since no one expected me to last that long. I end up gettin' my special and superkicked son THREE times! Every time I hit one I kept hearin',"Do it again!
" in the background. Everyone is goin' nuts by the third kick. Then everyone counts along with the out
He got up, put me in submission hold and it was over just like that due to takin' so much damage earlier. I lost, but I got so much props for that match. It always gets brought up every time we reminisce on the N64. Even in video games, HBK is the Showstopper