Your Friends Ex After Your Friend Marries Someone Else?

Is it alright to do?

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All Star
May 5, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Epilogue...for those who want to know

So i went to her crib, I was :lupe: the whole way

we weren't alone,her two girlfriends and one of their boy toys were there too so I figured it would be straight platonic shyt. They were grilling steaks around from the hot tub in bikinis so i was just :takedat:

She made me a drink full of alcohol. shyt was like a roofie-coloda. shyt was like a 8oz shot. Anyways made some small talk with the dude, ate some steak, and chilled. Just when I was coming around to nothing happening, her homegirls started getting ready to leave cause they were to go to the movies. Five minutes later it was just me and her in the house and she was trying to go back into the hot tub. Five minutes later we were in the hot tub with her playing footsie. I just came out and asked her was she trying to seduce me and she said yes but admitted she had no idea what she was doing. So I helped her out :shaq:

She basically just wanted no strings sex cause she has no time for a boyfriend due to her fluctuating schedule hours and she knew I'm about that "casual encounter" life. Told her feel free to hit me up if we can help each other out. :jawalrus: Thank you based nas.
:salute: You did the right thing. I'm pretty sure that your buddy isn't even thinking about ol' girl especially if you guys was living the lifestyle like you said you was. Just enjoy the ride.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
If you didnt get an invite fukk it. Im not condoning bangin your boys ex's, but thats kind of cold blooded if yall were close or an indication of your overall status with homie if you didnt even get an invite.

I was in a similar dilemma some years back with me and a coworker some years back and this chick we met at one of ended coworker ended up cracking on her and getting her digits even tho she was giving me good vibes...ultimately she ended coming back and hitting on me and told me my coworker was corny some weeks later. I felt conflicted because of the quote unquote "man-code"...but we werent that close and she was pretty as hell so i said fukk it.


May 18, 2012
If neither of ya'll were close enough to be invited to their wedding then you ain't as friendly with dude as you'd like to think.

:dahell: Im saying tho.

This shouldnt even be in question, nikka get yo dikk wet. That nikka didnt invite you to his wedding, obviously yall werent that close.

Correct me if Im wrong cause Im not at the marriage age yet, but yall were this "four horseman" stable that you claim. there's no way he shouldnt have called you and told you about it. Yeah the woman going do most of the inviting but for my main nikkas, I damn sure goin be the one to holla at them. I mean didnt the nikka have a bachelor party? Were you not invited to that?

EDIT: did not see the date this thread was made :deadmanny:

You did the right thing


All Star
Aug 27, 2012
Once your homie gets married, all bustdowns and hoes should be passed down.
I know once I get married I'm not gonna give a fukk about some old ex.

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
:dahell: Im saying tho.

This shouldnt even be in question, nikka get yo dikk wet. That nikka didnt invite you to his wedding, obviously yall werent that close.

Correct me if Im wrong cause Im not at the marriage age yet, but yall were this "four horseman" stable that you claim. there's no way he shouldnt have called you and told you about it. Yeah the woman going do most of the inviting but for my main nikkas, I damn sure goin be the one to holla at them. I mean didnt the nikka have a bachelor party? Were you not invited to that?

EDIT: did not see the date this thread was made :deadmanny:

You did the right thing

You aint at marriage age yet so let me tell you how it goes. Dudes get in serious relationships and become shells of themselves. If their women dont like you the hangouts eventually slow down until they stop happening. The guy wants to hang out? The girl has to come too and be all out of place. The girl doesnt like youre definition of having fun or you dont treat her like a princess? Youre an a$$hole and ex-communicated. Before you know it text and calls turn into a status like on facebook every now and then and you guys might as well not know each other.

Couples dinner/movie/game night replaces chill night. You can go but if you not serious about a girl and bring her to a couples night shyt can get really awkward. Especially if the other women accept her and want to see her again. Halfway through it you realize you dont even like the chick like that and you had to get a girl just to chill with your friends.

you dont want to be trapped in a relationship in the best years of your life so you end up doing your thing and they do theirs. You get labeled the guy who "doesnt want to grow up" and is "immature" by the girl/wives while the homeboy/husband sits at home saturday night in his "man cave" room fapping to internet porn before being told to come to bed like a child and cries himself to sleep.

become an adult brehs

like i said me and his girl didnt really get along and im pretty sure she handled the wedding so im not shocked at no invite. I found out tonight another one of our homeboys who turned down a date with the chicks ugly sister didnt get an invite either. Its life. What are you gonna do? but yeah I put the other chick in the naked camel clutch.


Dec 2, 2012
You aint at marriage age yet so let me tell you how it goes. Dudes get in serious relationships and become shells of themselves. If their women dont like you the hangouts eventually slow down until they stop happening. The guy wants to hang out? The girl has to come too and be all out of place. The girl doesnt like youre definition of having fun or you dont treat her like a princess? Youre an a$$hole and ex-communicated. Before you know it text and calls turn into a status like on facebook every now and then and you guys might as well not know each other.

Couples dinner/movie/game night replaces chill night. You can go but if you not serious about a girl and bring her to a couples night shyt can get really awkward. Especially if the other women accept her and want to see her again. Halfway through it you realize you dont even like the chick like that and you had to get a girl just to chill with your friends.

you dont want to be trapped in a relationship in the best years of your life so you end up doing your thing and they do theirs. You get labeled the guy who "doesnt want to grow up" and is "immature" by the girl/wives while the homeboy/husband sits at home saturday night in his "man cave" room fapping to internet porn before being told to come to bed like a child and cries himself to sleep.

nah, that only happens when your friends are bytchmade. it's true the hangouts slow down, but that is understandable understandable. the woman telling her husband who he can and can't hang out with tho? that is some sucker shyt. i have a couple of friens who are dominated by their wifes or girlfriends, but even they are still allowed to hang out with me on their own. they just have to be home before 12pm :russ:


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
Where we at on that? For the first time ever I need the opinions of anonymous people I don't know.


A few years ago my old school crew was out there living like the four horsemen. Limousine riding,champagne popping,kiss stealing, egg cetera. It was all good until the inevitable "girlfriends" came. Then hanging out doing player shyt got replaced with couples dates and activities. My loving the game like Mitch and refusal to conform and get boo'd up left me on the outside looking in as the last bachelor standing. Now I rarely see them.

Fast Forward to the present.One of them just got married. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail but I'm okay with that cause I don't like the chick he married and I don't care for weddings. I do feel kinda salty for not even being invited though. Anyways, I'm out doing my thing last night and I run into a chick my now married boy used to mess around with. While making small talk she asked me how the wedding was and was shocked to find out I wasn't invited. She jokingly suggested we have our own little after wedding reception party thing since we were left out of the festivities. I took it as a joke and brushed it off but for the rest of the night she was real flirty and touchy-feely. When the spot was closing she asked me did I want to hang out some more but I couldn't. Then she gave me one of those lingering body on body hugs while telling me we should hang out again and asked for my number. She texted me today and asked if I wanted to do the after party reception thing tomorrow.

What do I do? Can I do it? Is she fair game since shes in the dating pool and he isn't anymore? :lupe:
You're both consenting adults, you need not his approval. :birdman:

Dude married now anyway, fukk his thoughts :pacspit:

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
nah, that only happens when your friends are bytchmade. it's true the hangouts slow down, but that is understandable understandable. the woman telling her husband who he can and can't hang out with tho? that is some sucker shyt. i have a couple of friens who are dominated by their wifes or girlfriends, but even they are still allowed to hang out with me on their own. they just have to be home before 12pm :russ:


Your friend is just a bytch ass nikka. No justifying that shyt:noah:


May 6, 2012
a few things I'd like to mention. first of all, it doesn't matter who did the invites or whatever. From the way you described your relationship with your crew, you should have been invited, PERIOD. I don't think your friend did it maliciously. he was probably a coward infront of his future wife at that moment and didn't have the heart to go against her will. Still fukked up though...

as far as the ex...personally, i'd still tell the married dude beforehand (notice, i said "tell" meaning i'm giving him a respectful heads-up, not asking him for permission). After that, if he tries to put some salt in your game or sense he feels some way about it, you'll know he's a bytch. But if you don't tell him it's still whatever but you should still know that the ex will make sure he finds out (either by telling him directly or she'll makes sure he finds out indirectly). She's doing it to try to get under his skin (basically using you). That's just how i see it though. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like y'all (you and dude) are that close anymore...I say go with your gut feeling and what you feel is right.

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
nah, that only happens when your friends are bytchmade. it's true the hangouts slow down, but that is understandable understandable. the woman telling her husband who he can and can't hang out with tho? that is some sucker shyt. i have a couple of friens who are dominated by their wifes or girlfriends, but even they are still allowed to hang out with me on their own. they just have to be home before 12pm :russ:

Nah you know that women steer men away from hanging out with their more "free" friends in favor of the more "stable" friends. They think the single dude is gonna make him cheat on her while they're out having a drink or something whereas the friend in a relationship is gonna keep him grounded and probably just gonna want to have a drink on the porch or in the "man cave" When you do actually meet up with these dudes the chick is either there,working,or out of town and these dudes still jump when their phone goes off. I got a homeboy who would only hit me up on sporadic days to have lunch come to find out his girl had to be at work for him to do simple shyt like lunch. If you hanging with a grown man who has a curfew that shyt makes you sad and looks like dude fit you in his busy schedule of doing nothing.


Dec 2, 2012
Nah you know that women steer men away from hanging out with their more "free" friends in favor of the more "stable" friends. They think the single dude is gonna make him cheat on her while they're out having a drink or something whereas the friend in a relationship is gonna keep him grounded and probably just gonna want to have a drink on the porch or in the "man cave" When you do actually meet up with these dudes the chick is either there,working,or out of town and these dudes still jump when their phone goes off. I got a homeboy who would only hit me up on sporadic days to have lunch come to find out his girl had to be at work for him to do simple shyt like lunch. If you hanging with a grown man who has a curfew that shyt makes you sad and looks like dude fit you in his busy schedule of doing nothing.

my point is that if you let your woman tell you who you are allowed to hang out with, then you are bytchmade. if you jump everytime the phone goes off and come home early even though you want to stay out longer, you are bytchmade. if your woman tells you when it is time to go to bed then you are bytchmade. they might try to do all of these things, but that doesn't mean that you have to let that happen.

of course i'm :heh: at those dudes who always look at their watch at 11:40 pm saying, "you know what, i think i'm going to head home", but they are the minority, at least among my friends. hell, i've had serious long term relationships and some ex's tried that shyt on me, but i still went out when i wanted to, came home when i wanted to, and went to bed when i wanted to. that doesn't mean that i didn't spend less time with my friends than when i was single, or never made a compromise. but that was because i wanted to and not because i was afraid of my girl.