Get this Rep breh
@Ol' Otis
@the cac mamba
Also @Ironman for those iron man smileys
I'll tolerate your Princess Vagina staning today and I'll admit he cool when GOATKU ain't around being the GOAT.@Ol' Otis
And even @MoorMe even thou you a Vegeta hating phaggot
@stomachlines @Ol' Otis @Nomad1 @AJtheOne @Freddie.Cane @Fatboi1 @richaveli83 @mobbinfms @Billy Ocean @Illeye buckmatic @IllmaticDelta @SunZoo @Deltron @IronFist @Rekkapryde @The Ruler 09 @Juggalo Fred @StillNotSoft @Inspect Her Deck @mrken12 @hex @Dominic Brehetto @Sagat @PhonZhi @Mowgli
The entire Pac & Nas stan coalition
#tpc as a whole
@Brooklynzson @Lady.Libra. @Billy Ocean @wickedsm
@Darth Plagueis @mobbinfms
@Deltron @Luck @AJtheOne
@CashmereEsquire @Geoffrey_Chaucer @Illeye buckmatic @SoulController @Khadafhi @JamieFoxxHairline @Willstyles @Poitier
So many
Wack : @InDePickWest damn cancer.
Hav and 50 were PAAGin hard that day
#tpc as a whole
@Brooklynzson @Lady.Libra. @Billy Ocean @wickedsm
@Darth Plagueis @mobbinfms
@Deltron @Luck @AJtheOne
@CashmereEsquire @Geoffrey_Chaucer @Illeye buckmatic @SoulController @Khadafhi @JamieFoxxHairline @Willstyles @Poitier
So many
Wack : @InDePickWest damn cancer.
Salute to @Jahmal for posting the funniest suspect shyt on the site
It's been a hard year for me losing my mother some of y'all reached out when you didn't have to and some of y'all posting took my mind off of it. Thank you.
@Lover of Anime
@Prima Donna
Damn I forgot @Dracudiddy @Darth Plagueis (he change his name so damn much it's hard to keep up) @Ironman @Aswad @benjamin @m0rninggl0ry @Coco @LordLoco @LordDeathwatch @Burger King @Big Daddy @BmoreGorilla @LinusCaldwell and there's also that guy @BigRufus or something like that. He makes a lot of good threads too. I usually get him and Big Daddy confused.