I've been getting into their earlier stuff more and more now.
Initially it sounds a bit too simplistic/bubblegum in comparison to things like Revolver, but it's some of the greatest pop music ever made.
A Hard Day's Night in particular is a fantastic album. If I Fell is possibly a top 10 Beatles song.
Man, listen.....my great-grandmother used to listen to this oldies radio station when I was a kid and I remembered that some from there....but I had NO idea it was a Beatles song until like, the last five years and there are so many of their earlier joints that I was surprised was actually a Beatles song. As for the favorite album, I really can't pick one. "Rubber Soul" and "Revolver" back to back is just

, I can't decide on just one as a favorite, it's like "Midnight Marauders" and "Low End Theory"....."Let It Be" and "Abbey Road" are brilliant albums for a band that didn't even like each other...."The White Album" is all over the place, but it works

.....the only Beatles' record I don't like is "Sgt. Pepper", I fukks with the title track and strangely, "When I'm 64" for some reason, but yeah, I think that's overrated as hell.
"bumps "Michelle"