I always liked Krillin since he was the underdog of the group, and since him and Gohan were the main "good guy" characters active during the Namek storyline when I first remember seeing DBZ. Krillin mostly got the brakes beat off him but he still had those occasional great moments, and he got his happily ever after with 18 when it was all over.
When he took on those Saibamen
My other favorite character was Gohan (as a kid). I didn't like him that much after he grew up. But when he gave Frieza that work...
Piccolo is one of the dopest characters ever. I want to say that he's objectively the best character on the show. His fight with Android 17 was GOAT:
In the eyes of most people, if your name isn't Goku or Vegeta then you suck. Those two characters got kinda boring to me, to be honest. Goku reminds me too much of John Cena and I don't like Vegeta's arrogance. Both characters still have some of the most classic moments in DBZ history though.
Their first fight on Earth was lowkey better than Goku vs. Frieza. Goku going SSJ for the first time is objectively the GOAT DBZ moment, but the fight dragged for too long after that.