Amerikan Melanin

This shyt kept me busy for entire weekends. I loved this toy.
Yeah i always wanted that big one tooI had a bunch of beast wars transformers. Dinobot, Cheetor.
One day I was in Toys R Us and seen the big ass Optimal Optmius.
shyt was huge and cost like $60 in the 90s. I asked moms can she get me this.. she saw that price and said![]()
“Wait til Christmas”
Had this truck too. You could fit a whole kid in this truck. That metal was real and had a lot of space. This picture does a bad job of illustrating how big that truck actually was.
GI Joes were the GOAT action figure. Nothing came even remotely close.
That shyt legit floated in the tub too. That, the black raven, sgt slaughters tank, and serpentor’s hover chair were FIREBefore I show, let me tell…
My brother and I got laced one Christmas. We woke up to damn near every GI Joe figure that was out. We were so hyped! My Pops had to go to work in the days following Christmas and my brother and I were staying at my grandfather’s house during the day until school started up again. Paw paw as we called him lived in the hood. Bar across the street, candy lady next door just to set the scenery.
So one day we took all of our GI Joes over there and were outside playing all day. This lil dirty nikka from my Paw Paw’s hood decided to line us up that day. We had never seen this dude before but he seemed nice. Long story short we played all day. He was like…
“Y’all should leave the toys here so we can play again tomorrow.”
Our dumb asses:
“Okay. That’s cool.”
And we start packing up our men and vehicles to take them inside. This dude…
“Naw… leave em outside right here so tomorrow we can pick up where we left off.”
Us:“You sure? Somebody might take them.”
“Y’all straight. No one would do that around here.”
Us the next day:
I learned early not to trust new nikkas.
I was so scarred by that event that I had nightmares about it into my 20s. Keep in mind I saw someone die before in that same hood. His eye came out his head and everything, but being taken advantage of stuck with me more.