What's FWIR?
Also, off topic, but why was Malcom assassinated?
From what i recall
Warith muhammad fresh out of prison for draft dodging was told by his mother that his father had multiple wives and children...This sets warith off and he links up with the us government to destroy the noi.
Malcolm confides in elijah muhammad that his marriage with betty shabazz is volatile and he is very unhappy...He admits to breaking NOI infidelity rules...He states in letters to EM that has multiple girlfriends within the organization and he is not making love to them as he is for betty
(aka only fukking them)
He confides to EM that he is in love with a certain woman in the NOI. Unbeknownst to malcolm EM has married her. Malcolm finds out the wives through warith and loses it. Links up with warith and and tries to use the women to destroy EM and the NOI. Three of the wives turn against EM and lose their lawsuits.
Malcolm now exiled and no longer under the protection of the NOI and full realization of being played by warith and the us government is assassinated before he can use a final chess move to bring the US to trial at the UN