young breh kills himself after his girl commits that (manifesto inside)


May 14, 2012
This actually sounds kind of weak, by both parties :francis:
Eh. I'm a proponent on going out on your own terms. If they didn't want to live we are just a selfish as we think they are for wanting them to be alive and just bide their time. There is more to living that just existing and breathing, going to work and paying bills.

Then end all be all is having a strong support system, hobbies, self esteem and self actualization which in turn creates resiliency therefore when times get tough you have something to rely on.

If they had family they could turn to, not family that is just there. Theyd be alive. If they had hobbies or passions or outlets they could turn to they'd still be alive, if they had a firm understanding of who they were and where they fit in these moments they would still be here. But understandably they didn't have those tools and life sucks even without one let alone all of them.


May 14, 2012
Why family is important. We all have that distant Cousin, not your favorite Cousin but a Cousin you may or may not see them at a reunion or maybe he is even estranged from your close aunts / uncles/cousins but you know you're related. If your primary family (Mom, dad brother sister) were as distant as them would you care how they felt if you died? If you love mom's or pops it's a no brainer that you aren't going to put them through that, but your 3rd Cousin Ernie?

If you have a passion, an outlet, a hobby, something that grounds you whether it be listening to music, making music, writing, drawing, playing basketball, exercising, whatever that you can turn to, focus your attention and even have it hold your attention, that is something that'll keep you alive. A common symptom of depression is a loss of enjoyment in particular hobbies or usual things that provide interest. But there's usually one thing even if it's something you've never done that has a grounding effect. Like if I can't pay these bills fukk it in gonna listen to this album, or go fishing or draw until they cut the lights off. These hobbies or outlets are productive not self harming or self medicating.

Having self esteem and self actualization, understanding yourself and your place in the world currently. You've heard too many geniuses or successful people say "you have to get over yourself" or "Don't take yourself too seriously" that doesn't mean your a jokester or sarcastic, not genuine but you take the good with the bad and be the best you can be when you can and particularly understand that there are times when you won't be at your best and that's part of being human.