I love how Joe is a male feminists but is a predator and serial killer. That's how it is in real life

who you rolling with brehs
Are the white male jokes suppose to make non-white people feel better? It all feels forced.
who you rolling with brehs
I think that's part of the dark comedy and hypocrisy he spews while being a serial killerAre the white male jokes suppose to make non-white people feel better? It all feels forced.
This how they lookthat's how cac liberals really talk. Always talking about their privilege while basking in it
Regarding Ellie (S2 spoilers)
Bet she's gonna come back on some mikey myers shyt and take out everyone Joe cares about because she got fukked over something serious. Sent her 15 y/o ass to Florida via train right after she found out her sister was murked