Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
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Not the show for you. Carry on.i watched liek 3 episodes... he's an entitled simp white dude. he prolly killed his previous broad, and will end up offin this loser cac broad since she just a bum ass smut that wont live up to his expectations... but since he's a semi intelligent cac man no one would believe he did it...
Yeah the last 2 episodes I had to force myself to finish them.
Seek help broI thought season 2 was miles better than season one. Love and her family were way more realistic and interesting than beck and her goof ball friends. Beck was a basic chick that treated him like shyt and let her dumb ass friends get in the way. While Love was a real down as chick and exactly what he needs.
I hope they get a run in season 3 of them killing people and using their irrational logic to justify it before they break them up.
ironically the characters in LA were way more like able than NY. Great show.
What are you talking aboutSeek help bro