You no longer have the right to remain silent


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
So now we have to declare our RIGHTS in order to have them?:what:

Man, this country is getting really bad. Like evil, bad.
This is in a Miranda warning.

1.they have the right to remain silent;
2.anything the suspect does say can and MAY be used against them;
3.they have the right to have an attorney present before and during the questioning; and
4.they have the right, if they cannot afford the services of an attorney, to have one appointed, at public expense and without cost to them, to represent them before and during the questioning.

I know most of you are cop haters. But as an ex-cop, my suggestion to you is to verbally declare "I want to speak with an attorney" or "I wish to plead the fifth".
Silence does not mean you accept or deny the warning.
And, after you get to speak with an attorney, it doesn't end. If you are a suspect, the attorney will ask you questions to help you. He will not dime you out even if you are guilty and you don't want to admit it. If you are innocent, the attorney can be present during questioning so as to prove innocence. And more importantly, prevent false statements by the police from being entered into court. You can say, "Yes, I was there but I didn't shoot the dude."
If you don't want to dime out your friend who killed the dude, you don't have to answer any other questions like, "Did you see who shot the man?" The attorney can just say, "My client doesn't wish to answer any other questions." Or, if you really don't know, you can answer, "I didn't see who shot him." And since your attorney was present during that conversation, the DA cannot present false testimony from that interrogation.


The Power to MELT!
Apr 30, 2012
Rights as we know it are meaningless unless we assign value to them. The only true right a people have is to revolt.

All governments will ultimately encroach in violating the rights set forth in any social contract if the status quo of governance is challenged or in danger of being challenged.

We make it easy for them to do so. The NSA thread is a good example of this.

"Why do you care about this if you aren't a criminal?" is devaluing your own rights. Once you give that power to the government, it's damn near impossible to take back.

This. When the government starts encroaching on citizens right's it starts the process on the most marginalized people. Once the rights are degraded of those marginalized people it becomes institutionalized and can eventually spread to effect the rest of the population.

For example post-911 people were being jailed in Guantanamo without being charged with a crime and then fast-forward a decade and the Gov. passes the NDAA bill which had an indefinite detention clause.

This is why I was concerned when the Boston-bombing suspect wasn't Mirandized.

(Not comparing our gov. to the Nazi's its just a good quote to illustrate how government policy can eventually effect you although it may not appear to at first.)

"In Germany, they first came for the gypsies, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a gypsy. Then they came for the Bolsheviks, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Bolshevik. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics. I didn't speak up then because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up." - Martin Niemoller


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
It would never happen here.

You have 50-60% of the country split into opposing groups. Then you have 40-50% who do not give a shyt and don't mind the status quo.

For example. Let's say we have President X who belongs to GOP. Then let's say you have a left-wing group try to stage a revolt. The right-wing population would probably be more willing to accept an authoritarian status quo government than have the possibility of a left-wing revolution. Same would go in the opposite case.

A full revolution is beyond the US now. The best scenario (and I used the word best in very relative terms, nothing would be good about it) would be another civil war and portioning of the US into ideologically similar regions.

People forget that there was millions of people protesting the War in Iraq in the streets of this country. Numbers that match any of the protests you see today.

I think this would be a good thing. The country is clearly divided in thinking between regions and it's holding back progressive people from making actual progress.

Let these hillbilly southern states secede from the union and keep the north and west in tact. I guarantee we'd get a lot more change as a result. If they want to live with their backwards policies and ways of thinking, give them the shovel and let them dig back in time. :stopitslime: