You must vote DEMOCRAT🐴 🔵 for ONE single reason; The GOP make WHITE ONLY COURTS 👨🏼‍⚖️ for 40+ YEARS


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Thomas Zimmer
9m • 19 tweets • 4 min read
The End of Roe Is Just the Beginning

A multi-level reactionary counter-mobilization is underway. Conservatives are animated by a vision of 1950s-style white Christian patriarchal dominance. It is the only order they will accept for America.

My new column for @GuardianUS:

The impending end of Roe will not magically appease the Right. Attempts to institute a national ban are likely to follow. The people behind this anti-abortion rights crusade will tolerate the right to bodily autonomy in “blue” America for only as long as they absolutely have to.

And the conservative vision for the country goes well beyond outlawing abortion. In his opinion, Samuel Alito rejects the legal underpinnings of many of the post-1960s civil rights extensions that were predicated on a specific interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

He targets the very idea of a right to privacy, employs an extremely narrow view of “substantive due process,” and claims that the 14th Amendment protects only those rights not explicitly listed in the Constitution that are “deeply rooted in this nation’s history and tradition.”

Alito’s opinion precisely captures the essence of the Supreme Court’s role through most of history, and certainly today: An institution siding with tradition over change, with existing power structures over attempts to level hierarchies, with the old over the new.

That’s the spirit the “deeply rooted in history and tradition” standard seeks to enshrine: Established hierarchies are to be revered, anything that threatens them is illegitimate – a dogma utterly incompatible with the idea of a functioning multiracial, pluralistic democracy.

For conservatives, that’s exactly the point, and it is how Alito’s opinion fits into the broader assault on the post-1960s civil rights order: It’s all part of a multi-level reactionary counter-mobilization against multiracial pluralism.

It is only in this context that the whole weight of what this Supreme Court is doing is revealed. The conservative majority on the Court operates as an integral part of a reactionary political project.

Alito’s opinion should be a stark reminder of what that project is all about. Conservatives could not be clearer about what their goal is: Their animating vision for America is 1950s-style white Christian patriarchal dominance.

The evidence is in what Republicans have been pursuing on the state level. We are seeing a wave of red-state legislation rolling back basic rights and fundamental liberties, intended to eviscerate the civil rights regime that has been established since the 1960s.

The reactionary counter-mobilization is happening on so many fronts simultaneously that it’s easy to lose sight of how things are connected. Ban abortion and contraception, criminalize LGBTQ people…

Install strict guidelines for education that are in line with a white nationalist understanding of the past and the present, censor dissent; restrict voting rights, purge election commissions…

These are not disparate actions. The overriding concern is to maintain traditional political, social, cultural, and economic hierarchies. It’s a vision that serves, first and foremost, a wealthy white elite - and all those who cling to white Christian patriarchal dominance.

In all these areas, the assault on democracy and the civil rights order is escalating. Long-standing anti-democratic tendencies notwithstanding, the Right has been radicalizing significantly in recent years. Why now?

The structural answer is that America has changed, and the conservative political project has come under enormous pressure as a result. The Republican hold on power has become tenuous, certainly on the federal level, and even in some states that had previously been solidly “red.”

The Right is reacting to something real: The political, cultural, and most importantly demographic changes that have made the country less white, less conservative, less Christian are not just figments of the reactionary imagination.

Recent political and societal events have dramatically heightened the sense of being under siege on the Right. The first one was the election / re-election of the first Black president to the White House, a symbol of the imminent threat to the “natural” order of white dominance.

The Right’s radicalization must also be understood as a white reactionary counter-mobilization specifically to the anti-racist mobilization of civil society after the murder of George Floyd.

In the Black Lives Matter-led protests of 2020 that – at least temporarily – were supported by most white liberals, the Right saw irrefutable proof that radically “Un-American” forces of “woke,” leftist extremism were on the rise, hellbent on destroying “real” America.

• • •

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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Ending Roe v Wade is just the beginning | Thomas Zimmer

Ending Roe v Wade is just the beginning | Thomas Zimmer

The supreme court is set to overturn Roe v Wade, this much has been clear since a draft opinion authored by Justice Samuel Alito was leaked earlier this month. An attempt to safeguard abortion rights via national legislation was blocked by a united front of Republicans plus Democrat Joe Manchin in the Senate last week. As a result, we must expect abortion to be banned in roughly half the country soon.

It is very hard to overstate how significant this moment is. The US is about to join the very short list of countries that have restricted existing abortion rights since the 1990s – the overall trend internationally certainly has been towards a liberalization of abortion laws. And it’s also a basically unique development in US history: while the supreme court has often upheld and codified a discriminatory status quo, it has never actively and officially abolished what had previously been recognized as a constitutionally guaranteed right.

The overturning of Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey constitutes the culmination of half a century of conservative legal activism, and rejecting Roe has been a key element of conservative political identity for decades. But the impending end of Roe will still not magically appease the right. Attempts to institute a national ban are likely to follow. The people behind this anti-abortion rights crusade consider abortion murder and the epitome of everything that’s wrong and perverted about liberalism – they will tolerate the right to bodily autonomy in “blue” America for only as long as they absolutely have to.

And the conservative vision for the country goes well beyond outlawing abortion. In his opinion, Justice Samuel Alito rejects the legal underpinnings of many of the post-1960s civil rights extensions that were predicated on a specific interpretation of the 14th amendment. He targets the very idea of a right to privacy, employs an extremely narrow view of “substantive due process” and claims that the 14th amendment protects only those rights not explicitly listed in the constitution that are “deeply rooted in this nation’s history and tradition”. Alito applies an arbitrary standard – one that birth control, marriage equality and even desegregation clearly don’t meet. The fact that he adds a throwaway paragraph claiming that these rights, all based on the very understanding of the 14th amendment Alito so explicitly rejects, are not in danger, shouldn’t put anyone at ease.

Alito’s opinion precisely captures the essence of the supreme court’s role through most of history, and certainly today: an institution siding with tradition over change, with existing power structures over attempts to level hierarchies, with the old over the new. That’s the spirit the “deeply rooted in history and tradition” standard seeks to enshrine as dogma: established hierarchies are to be revered and protected, anything that threatens them is illegitimate. It’s a dogma that is utterly incompatible with the idea of a fully functioning multiracial, pluralistic democracy in which the individual’s political, social and economic status is not significantly determined by race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. For conservatives, that’s exactly the point, and it is how Alito’s opinion fits into the broader assault on the post-1960s civil rights order: it’s all part of a multi-level reactionary counter-mobilization against multiracial pluralism.

It is only in this context that the whole weight of what this supreme court is doing is revealed. The conservative majority on the court operates as an integral part of a reactionary political project. Alito’s opinion should be a stark reminder of what that project is all about – and why the end of Roe is very likely to be just the beginning of a large-scale reversal that seeks to turn the clock back significantly. Conservatives could not be clearer about what their goal is: their animating vision for America is 1950s-style white Christian patriarchal dominance.

The evidence is in what Republicans have been pursuing on the state level. We are seeing a wave of red-state legislation rolling back basic rights and fundamental liberties, intended to eviscerate the civil rights regime that has been established since the 1960s – and banish, outlaw and censor anything that threatens white Christian male dominance. The reactionary counter-mobilization is happening on so many fronts simultaneously that it’s easy to lose sight of how things are connected. Ban abortion and contraception, criminalize LGBTQ+ people; install strict guidelines for education that are in line with a white nationalist understanding of the past and the present, censor dissent; restrict voting rights, purge election commissions. These are not disparate actions. The overriding concern behind all of them is to maintain traditional political, social, cultural, and economic hierarchies. It’s a vision that serves, first and foremost, a wealthy white elite – and all those who cling to white Christian patriarchal dominance. It’s a political project that goes well beyond Congress and state legislatures: this is about restoring and entrenching traditional authority in the local community, in the public square, in the workplace, in the family.

In all these areas, the assault on democracy and the civil rights order is escalating. Longstanding anti-democratic tendencies notwithstanding, the right has been radicalizing significantly in recent years. Why now? The more structural answer is that America has changed, and the conservative political project has come under enormous pressure as a result. The Republican hold on power has become tenuous, certainly on the federal level, and even in some states that had previously been solidly “red”. The right is reacting to something real: the political, cultural and most importantly demographic changes that have made the country less white, less conservative, less Christian are not just figments of the reactionary imagination.

And recent political and societal events have dramatically heightened the sense of threat on the right. The first one was the election and re-election of the first Black president to the White House. Regardless of his moderately liberal politics, Obama’s “radicalism” consisted of being Black, a symbol of the imminent threat to the “natural” order of white dominance. The right’s radicalization must also be conceptualized as a white reactionary counter-mobilization specifically to the anti-racist mobilization of civil society after the murder of George Floyd. In the Black Lives Matter-led protests of 2020 that – at least temporarily – were supported by most white liberals, the right saw irrefutable proof that radically “un-American” forces of “woke”, leftist extremism were on the rise, hellbent on destroying “real” America.

The American right is fully committed to this anti-democratic, anti-pluralistic vision – which they understand is a minoritarian project. Abortion bans, for instance, are not popular at all. About two-thirds of the population want to keep Roe and believe abortion should be legal at least in some cases; a clear majority supports a law legalizing abortion nationally. Meanwhile, a complete ban – a position many Republican-led states are taking – is favored by less than 10% of Americans.

Conservatives are acutely aware that they don’t have numerical majorities for their project. But they don’t care about democratic legitimacy. And the Republican party has a comprehensive strategy to put this reactionary vision into practice anyway. In Washington, Republican lawmakers are mainly focused on obstructing efforts to safeguard democracy. It’s at the state level where the rightwing assault is accelerating the most.

It all starts with not letting too many of the “wrong” people vote. That’s why Republican lawmakers are introducing hundreds of bills intended to make voting more difficult, and have enacted such laws almost everywhere they are in charge. All of these voter suppression laws are ostensibly race-neutral and non-partisan. But they are designed to have a disproportionate effect on voters of color, or on young people – on groups that tend to vote Democratic. If too many of the “wrong” people are still voting, Republicans want to make their electoral choices count less. Gerrymandering is one way they are trying to achieve that goal, and it has been radicalizing basically wherever the GOP is in charge.

As that might still not be enough to keep the “wrong” people from winning, Republicans are trying to put themselves in a position to nullify their future wins: we are seeing election subversion efforts up and down the country – an all-out assault on state election systems. Republican-led state legislatures are re-writing the rules so that they will have more influence on future elections, election commissions are being purged, local officials are being harassed, people who are a threat to Republican rule are replaced by Trumpist loyalists. In many key states, Trumpists who aggressively subscribe to the big lie that the 2020 was stolen are currently running for high office.

Republicans understand that such blatant undermining of democracy might lead to a mobilization of civil society. That’s why they are criminalizing protests, by defining them as “riots”, and by legally sanctioning physical attacks on “rioters”. The right also encourages white militants to use whatever force they please to suppress these “leftwing” protests by celebrating and glorifying those who have engaged in such violent fantasies – call it the Kyle Rittenhouse approach. Finally, Republicans are flanking all this by a broad-scale offensive against everything and everyone criticizing the legitimacy of white nationalist rule – past, present and future – by censoring and banning critical dissent inside and outside the education sector.

Ideally, the supreme court would step in and put a stop to the escalating attempts to undermine democracy and roll back civil rights. But the conservative majority on the court is actually doing the opposite, providing robust cover for the reactionary counter-mobilization. This has established an enormously effective mechanism of how to turn the clock back to the pre-civil rights era: Republican-led states will abolish established protections and count on the supreme court to let them do as they please, even if it means overthrowing precedent. That puts the onus on Congress to enact nationwide legislation that would guarantee civil rights and protect democracy – legislation that has little chance to overcome Republican (plus Sinema/Manchin) obstruction. And so we keep spiraling further and further back, with the next round of state-level reactionary legislation always guaranteed to be right around the corner. The exact same dynamic has undermined voting rights across “red” states. This is how civil rights perish and democracy dies.

Even now that the conservatives on the supreme court are about to end the right to abortion, I know such a statement strikes many people as extreme, or at the very least as alarmist. They won’t go that far, will they? But by portraying their opponent as a fundamentally illegitimate faction that seeks to destroy the country, conservatives have been giving themselves permission to embrace whatever radical measures they deem necessary to defeat this “un-American” enemy. We are in deeply dangerous territory precisely because so many on the right have convinced themselves they are fighting a noble war against unpatriotic, godless forces that are in league with pedophiles – and therefore see no lines they are not justified to cross. The white reactionary counter-mobilization against multiracial, pluralistic democracy won’t stop because the people behind it have some sort of epiphany that they shouldn’t go that far. It will either be stopped or succeed in entrenching white Christian patriarchal rule.

Thomas Zimmer is a visiting professor at Georgetown University, focused on the history of democracy and its discontents in the United States, and a Guardian US contributing opinion writer


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Redistricting Nationwide Nears Finale With Florida Court Ruling​

A decision by the Florida Supreme Court means the November elections there will most likely be based on legislative maps that a lower court said illegally diluted the power of Black voters.​

June 2, 2022Updated 8:08 p.m. ET
J. Alex Kelly, left, the deputy chief of staff for Gov. Ron DeSantis, answered questions in April about new district lines his office developed.

J. Alex Kelly, left, the deputy chief of staff for Gov. Ron DeSantis, answered questions in April about new district lines his office developed.Phil Sears/Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The Florida Supreme Court refused on Thursday to step into a challenge to a new map of the state’s congressional districts that was approved by the Republican State Legislature. The ruling all but ensures that the November elections will be based on districts that a lower state court said diluted the voting power of Black residents, violating the State Constitution.
The ruling, which preserves the new House map personally ordered by Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, was a fitting coda to a once-a-decade redistricting process that began with efforts to reduce the raw political self-interest built into the exercise.
But in the end, it devolved into a power struggle between Democrats intent on preserving their narrow majority in the House of Representatives and Republicans who feel confident about retaking control of the House in advance of the 2024 presidential race.
The Democrats appear to have come out of the map-drawing battles in slightly better shape than before they began. But their gains were marginal in the face of President Biden’s plummeting approval ratings and the historical pattern of losses by the party in power. The Florida court ruling appeared to extinguish their last hope of further bolstering their midterm prospects.
In its two-sentence denial, the State Supreme Court said it was premature for the justices to intervene in a suit seeking to overturn the congressional map because the case had not yet wound its way through the state court system, which could take months or years.
The new House map dismantles a congressional district held by Representative Al Lawson, a Black Democrat, and strongly boosts Republican odds of capturing other competitive House seats.
Donald J. Trump carried Florida by 3.3 percentage points in the 2020 election. Yet in the new map, Mr. Trump was favored by a majority of voters in 20 of the 28 districts, while voters favoring Joseph R. Biden Jr. were a majority in eight.
Voting rights groups argued that the map ignored an amendment to the State Constitution approved by voters in 2010 that outlawed partisan mapmaking and specifically barred creating districts that diminished the likelihood that minority voters could elect their preferred candidates.
Mr. DeSantis contended that Mr. Lawson’s district was itself unconstitutional because it was drawn specifically to permit the election of a Black representative, taking in African American voters from across northern Florida.
A lower court blocked the Republican map from taking effect last month, substituting a map drawn by a Harvard University redistricting expert. The state’s First District Court of Appeal later lifted that stay, saying the judge had exceeded his authority. The Supreme Court ruling on Thursday rebuffed a request to overturn the appeals court’s decision.
While the Florida lawsuit will grind on, as will a handful of other court challenges to political maps nationwide, the odds that they will produce further changes in maps before November are vanishingly small.
“At this point, it seems hard to see congressional maps being upset for this November, especially given the Supreme Court’s repeated admonitions to federal courts to hold back on changes to election laws in the period close to the election,” said Richard L. Hasen, an election law expert at the University of California, Irvine.
The Democrats’ comparative success in this year’s map drawing is a marked departure from the last redistricting in 2011, when Republicans’ dominance in state legislatures enabled the party to gerrymander its way to comfortable control of the House until the Democratic wave election of 2018. Even as President Barack Obama won re-election in 2012, Republicans maintained a 17-seat majority in the House.
That edge slowly eroded as courts undid some gerrymanders and the political landscape shifted. Redistricting this year netted the Democratic Party further small gains: Mr. Biden carried 226 of the 435 new districts in 2020, two more than before the new maps were drawn, while Mr. Trump carried 209 districts, two fewer than before.
Still, those numbers do not tell the whole story. According to an analysis by The New York Times, Mr. Biden performed better than his 2020 average in 215 of the new House districts — a big improvement from the current map, where he only outperformed in 207 districts. But Mr. Trump beat his average in 220 of the new districts, an indication that the House as a whole still tilts slightly Republican.

How U.S. Redistricting Works​

What is redistricting? It’s the redrawing of the boundaries of congressional and state legislative districts. It happens every 10 years, after the census, to reflect changes in population.
How does it work? The census dictates how many seats in Congress each state will get. Mapmakers then work to ensure that a state’s districts all have roughly the same number of residents, to ensure equal representation in the House.
Who draws the new maps? Each state has its own process. Eleven states leave the mapmaking to an outside panel. But most — 39 states — have state lawmakers draw the new maps for Congress.
If state legislators can draw their own districts, won’t they be biased? Yes. Partisan mapmakers often move district lines — subtly or egregiously — to cluster voters in a way that advances a political goal. This is called gerrymandering.
Is gerrymandering legal? Yes and no. In 2019, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal courts have no role to play in blocking partisan gerrymanders. However, the court left intact parts of the Voting Rights Act that prohibit racial or ethnic gerrymandering.
Redistricting also has created a much less competitive House map than before, in no small part because of gerrymandering, which tends to create lopsided districts. The margin of victory in the 2020 presidential contest was smaller than five percentage points in 33 of the 435 districts, a third fewer than before, the Times analysis found.
Both parties claimed success in the redistricting.
Republicans noted that they had shored up 15 to 20 Republican incumbents in Congress by drawing districts that were more safely Republican. And while the House map includes more districts that voted for Mr. Biden than ones that supported Mr. Trump, Republicans also performed two to four percentage points better than Mr. Trump on average in 2020, according to data from the National Republican Redistricting Trust.
“We are going to have a huge offensive playing field this fall,” said Adam Kincaid, the organization’s executive director. “If you had told me coming into this redistricting cycle that we’d be able to make the gains that we’ve made with less control, with a significant funding disparity between us and the Democrats, I would have taken it in a minute.”
Democrats made their own claims. The National Democratic Redistricting Committee, the party’s primary redistricting organization, said its calculations showed that Democrats would hold a House majority in November if they won a popular vote majority of 2.1 percent nationwide. That would represent a vast improvement from 2012, when Mr. Obama’s win did not dislodge Republicans from control of the House.
Democrats just straight up are in a stronger position than Republicans,” said Kelly Burton, the president of the party’s redistricting committee. “We have a higher baseline number of seats. And that is true no matter how you slice it.”
Such statements underscore how much of a zero-sum game redistricting has become as Democrats, who campaigned against partisan redistricting, chased the same kind of partisan advantage in states like New York and Illinois as Republicans have achieved in states like Texas and Wisconsin.
A decade of efforts by citizens and voting rights advocates to rein in partisan maps produced some results, though they were largely a wash. A ballot initiative undid a Republican gerrymander of the House map in Michigan, and a state court struck down a G.O.P. gerrymander in North Carolina. But courts also negated Democratic gerrymanders in New York and Maryland, and let Republican ones stand in Kansas and Ohio.
Most everywhere else, fierce partisanship was the order of the day, which Chris Christie, the former governor of New Jersey and former chairman of the National Republican Redistricting Trust, said was inherent in the system.
“It’s a political process,” he said. “It was intended by the framers to be a political process, and I don’t think you’ll ever be able to take the politics out of it.”
Nate Cohn contributed reporting.
Michael Wines writes about voting and other election-related issues. Since joining The Times in 1988, he has covered the Justice Department, the White House, Congress, Russia, southern Africa, China and various other topics. @miwine
Reid J. Epstein covers campaigns and elections from Washington. Before joining The Times in 2019, he worked at The Wall Street Journal, Politico, Newsday and The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Nick Corasaniti covers national politics. He was one of the lead reporters covering Donald Trump's campaign for president in 2016 and has been writing about presidential, congressional, gubernatorial and mayoral campaigns for The Times since 2011. @NYTnickcFacebook
A version of this article appears in print on June 3, 2022, Section A, Page 16 of the New York edition with the headline: Florida Supreme Court Lets DeSantis Voting Map Stand. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Steve Bannon's Election-Takeover Dream Is Starting to Take Shape​

By Bess Levin
June 1, 2022
Steve Bannon leaves a New York federal court in August 2020. Mark Kauzlarich/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Embracing the “precinct strategy” promoted by Steve Bannon, the GOP is reportedly preparing to sow chaos in the 2022 election by creating an “army” of poll workers and Republican lawyers to challenge voters in Democratic precincts. According to recordings obtained by Politico, the Republican National Committee has been recruiting and training poll watchers to contest votes and building a network of party-friendly attorneys to help them. The operation has been cast by Republican officials as an effort to even out party imbalances among poll workers in urban centers like Detroit. But its true aims seem clear: to gum up the democratic process in Democratic areas and lay the foundation for results to be challenged in swing states like Michigan that were key to Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.
“Come election day you create massive failure of certification,” Nick Penniman, founder and CEO of the election watchdog group Issue One, told Politico. “The real hope is that you can throw the choosing of electors to state legislators.”

The undertaking illustrates the extent to which the GOP is institutionalizingDonald Trump’s 2020 election lies—and provides a glimpse into the party’s efforts to hijack the infrastructure of the election system. “This is completely unprecedented in the history of American elections that a political party would be working at this granular level to put a network together,” Penniman said. “It looks like now the Trump forces are going directly after the legal system itself and that should concern everyone.”
In the wake of the 2020 election, Trump and his allies mounted a relentless effort to contest the results in several states he lost. Under the new operation, the party could essentially do that in real time, with trained poll watchers—many of whom appear to have volunteered for positions because they subscribe to Trump’s “rigged election” lies—in direct contact with GOP lawyers who “could intervene to block vote counts at certain precincts,” Politico reported. “Being a poll worker, you just have so many more rights and things you can do to stop something than [as] a poll challenger,” Matthew Seifried, the RNC’s election integrity director for Michigan, said in a November meeting with state GOP activists, according to a recording obtained by the outlet.

“It’s going to be an army,” Seifried said at a different meeting last fall. “We’re going to have more lawyers than we’ve ever recruited, because let’s be honest, that’s where it’s going to be fought, right?”

Seifried referred Politico’s request to the RNC, which defended its plans. “Democrats have had a monopoly on poll watching for 40 years, and it speaks volumes that they’re terrified of an even playing field,” RNC spokesperson Gates McGavick told Politico. “The RNC is focused on training volunteers to take part in the election process because polling shows that American voters want bipartisan poll-watching to ensure transparency and security at the ballot box.”

The plan is essentially the “precinct strategy” that was developed a decade ago by Arizona lawyer Dan Schultz and championed more recently by Bannon, the former Trump strategist: “It’s going to be a fight, but this is a fight that must be won,” Bannon said on a podcast episode last year. “We’re going to take this back village by village…precinct by precinct.”

As ProPublica has reported, Bannon’s promotion of that bottom-up strategy has contributed to a groundswell of Big Lie proponents seeking roles in the election process, including as precinct officers and poll workers. Trump himself gave his blessing to the plan this year, approvingly citing Schultz—who has ties to the Oath Keepers, a far-right group that took part in the January 6 insurrection—in an email to supporters in March. “Just heard about an incredible effort underway that will strengthen the Republican Party,” Trump said, according to ProPublica. “If members of our Great movement start getting involved (that means YOU becoming a precinct committeeman for your voting precinct), we can take back our great Country from the ground up.”
It goes without saying that enlisting election deniers to exert influence over the voting process poses a major threat to the democratic system. But it is only one such threat: From anti-voting legislation enacted on the basis of Trump’s lies to a gubernatorial candidate in Pennsylvania’s Doug Mastriano who has indicated he would not respect election results, Republicans are building on the former president’s 2020 efforts to overturn his loss. The democratic process survived that stress test a year and a half ago. The one it will face in the coming elections, as that anti-democratic push grows more sophisticated, could be even tougher.