Mainly people who like his virtue signaling ass posting in every thread. Who haven't gotten negged by him. He has a "holier than thou" posting style and posts idealist popular black liberal talking points in every thread. So he gets daps with the sensible nice guy act.
For example if the discussion is about any sort of crime he'll type "i for one could never participate in such an act! All those who perform such deeds need to be punished to a reasonable extent proportional to the crime"
If its a thread about women "I would not waste my time even worrying about such a woman. A man should focus on himself and not be distracted by such things"
If its a discussion about a quote by someone famous "this person is a racist and should not have a platform to talk. They are disingenuous and did not vote for kamala"
He basically never adds to the discussion instead just says things that are popular with liberal young black men. Which a lot of us are and usually the issue isn't what he's saying the tiresome and condescending way he says it and the fact that if you disagree with him or post something he doesn't like even if it is a joke he will neg you continuously. He has no sense of humor. At all. If he could censor all dissenting opinions from his own on this forum he would. He and those fascists he loves to decry are quite similar in that regard.