You might be a Bothsider and not even know it....

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
Both sides nikkas is cowards who want to insert themselves into politics but then hold their hands and take no accountability for it. Just standing on the sidelines as pseudo intellects offering nothing and directing most of their criticism at the liberal party that they know is doing more for people but because they have such a childish chip on their shoulder about genders and bullshyt they have to pretend to be forsaken victims of "Both sides." However the hell that makes sense.

in fact, from what ive observed, Id say both sides nikkas is really just anti-Dem, anti-liberal black Republicans who don't want to take responsibility for the Republican Party they either passivelly or actively support. So they run this silly game of covering up their partisan criticism of one party

I vote. I am a liberal. I vote Democrat. And I take accountability for my vote. Whether the candidate I chose is a failure, or a success, or says something stupid. Most people clearly don't have that courage to stand and take accountability for their politics, so they do the bothsides bullshyt instead.

I have no respect for nikkas that wanna critique and influence politics with no skin in the game. If you don't believe in American politics and think both sides are on the same team, then just stfu, live your life, and stop trying to influence people who choose to participate. Your opinion on politics as a non-voter means nothing and it is politically influenced towards one's side or the other whether you realize it or not. It's not that intellectual.

Why is it that criticism of Biden always automatically makes people a bothsider or c00n here? I can make 50 posts shytting on Trump with no issue. But I make one post about Biden and I get negs and c00n accusations. That's a problem.

Biden has had probably more influence over more Black men's lives than Trump did, pre-2016. So he should be able to receive as much smoke as anyone else. Trump just had more of a visceral influence of straight up, out in the open anti-Blackness.

And I say this as someone who will definitely vote Dem this year. We can vote blue and still keep our foot on the necks of specific counterproductive Dem policies or dikkhead Democrat in name only candidates by calling them out. Can't keep going "Oh well, I'll let it slide cause at least they aren't Republican".