nikkas had to go to Colchis to get the Golden Fleece so Jason could get the throne back from his uncle, ended up fukkin with Circe & her slaves for weeks. Hercules got left behind by the group because he was out trying to find his cousin. The Argonauts end up fighting a group of savage barbarians, then are saved by a noble king & his people but, upon leaving, they end up killing that good king by accident because it was dark at sea, and they assumed they were the barbarians returning

They pick up a blind prophet. They meet another king who directs them on how to get to Colchis. They almost get killed by the Amazon women, then pass by a few important islands from which they pick up the grandchildren of the King of Colchis.......they head to Colchis and pass by Prometheus stranded to a rock getting his brains picked out......upon arriving at the kingdom, the King is

to giving up the fleece. He tells Jason he can only have it if he passes a flawed test. Hera (god) & Athena (god) want Jason to get the fleece, so they force the King's daughter, Medea, who's a witch to fall in love with Jason. The daughter gives him a spell to win the competition

The King still says no after he wins

So they steal the fleece from the Dragon's lair

......the witch daughter rolls with Jason & the Argonauts back to Greece but, the King is

about losing the fleece, so he sends the Prince to track them down......Medea decides to kill her brother & they cut him up into a million pieces & drop him all over the Aegean Sea to cover it up from the king......Zeus is

about it so he throws them off track into the desert in Libya/Africa & the Argonauts have to go to three ancient oracles for advice. All 50 of them end up pulling the ship through the desert by hand until they find a river. They get back on Sea to Greece. Come to find out, this nikka Hercules been 10 steps ahead of them this entire time. They arrive back home with the Golden Fleece. After all of that, Jason's uncle doesn't give up the throne

So they trick him into dying in a horrible ass way (e.g., too long to explain). Jason & Medea are exiled into Corinth, another city. There.....Jason falls in love with the princess & becomes King. Medea gets jealous, loses her marbles and tries to kill Jason. She leaves him. As a result of breaking his vow to love Medea forever, Jason lost his favor with Hera and died lonely and unhappy. He was asleep under the stern of the rotting Argo when it fell on him, killing him instantly.