Jesus Shuttlesworth
I Got Game
Lol i'm sure...he gets one of these as well...
Ironic because is a Doctor!
Lol i'm sure...he gets one of these as well...
So why would someone go to you rather than a board licensed dermatologist?
Not all professors have Phd's.
Well, you might want to learn how to spell tattoo.
Just a recommendation.
Ironic because is a Doctor!
i'm toying around with a tatoo removal business...
could work...
i'm graduating next week and not trying to get some corny ass corporate job... and i don't really need one...
Why waste ur time and money going I college if u wanna start a business? Last I checked, a degree isn't a prerequisite for being an entrepreneur.
apparently any schmuck with a laser can do it.. dont' need to be a doctor or anything
though if i open this i might just call myself a "doctor" for marketing purposes
Okay.go fukk yourself loser
i'm trying to build here... you know positivity... take that bullshyt to the loser table...
your right... i regret going to college. big waste of money, basically i went due to family/societal pressure. last time i let the man dictate what i do with my life...