Hopefully,..these gif's illustrate how much trash he is as a worker.
Duke is clit associated, and protected.
While, everyone in ring is unprotected from his shotty ring work.
I give sheamus credit for ramping up on his mic skills and comfortability on camer, though.
Which is easy to do,...
If you are protected and never generally booked as poor as the rest of the roster.
on top, of working in a promotion with a neutered moveset.
So, the coo is never overshadowed and exposed for potent actual inring workrate and lack of offense.
Sheamus is nuffin, more than the litmus test.
for cripple ache to see what he will and will not allow inring, to keep cripple ache from looking bad.
Art Barr
At nikkaz giving duke credit, after mitb.
When anyone could see he was out of his element taking bumps and offense in the mitb match.
Last night, was just an exposal of what the bookers generally cover up.
Duke is Chris Adams as the renegade status, inring.
Art Barr