You ever have a dying friendship that you don't know how to get out of?

Big Mountain Hélà

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
My God am I actually a fukking p*ssy or what. I have a friend I'm not particularly fond of anymore, and I basically don't know how to go about ending that friendship. Should I scorch that bridge or play the long game?:patrice:

I'm getting giddy thinking of the day where I can snub him out of an invitation to my imaginary wedding. :mjgrin:

When he asks you to borrow money, let him. Then don’t press about it. Problem will sort out itself

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Someone real close to me got to the point where we argue everytime we hang out.

And dude is a warrior so arguing goes left alot with him for people pretty regularly.

I just deaded it. Told him straight up that we not having fun together and we don't need to kick it if it's always negative.


Mar 24, 2014
Why is it dying, is what we need to know..

Is it because you're moving out the career ladder and have more cash and feel you left dudes behind, or they're not good anymore.

Never burn bridges. Dude you cut off today is Governor next year.

Anyone suggesting 'blocking' is wrong.
Blocking people is the reserve of women alone, no man should be Blocking like a bitter hoe.

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
If you don't feel comfortable just start hanging out less and less. Eventually they'll find new friends or just stop calling you. Seems like you're at the point where you would be happier not faking the funk

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
I just stopped talking to dude.

Last time he called me he was just being disrespectful for no reason so I just hung up and stopped fw buddy.

Knew him since middle school, we obviously became different ppl and we just drifted naturally


Ya feel me
Jul 29, 2013
I had a boy who switched up on me cause some old head showed him how to make money. I just stop talking to the nikka :manny:


Mar 11, 2022
never call that person......if he calls you....don't pick up and call back 5 hours later saying "i was busy....whats up".

Never accept their invitation and sooner then later they will get the hint....i have done this a few times myself....never fails and isn't akward.

If you want to reconnect later on you can be like "hey, whats up man....i haven't heard from you in a long time." and if they still on some the first steps again.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I grew apart from several guys when I began transitioning out the streets. It was tough, I noticed where my heart and body were going in contrast to where theirs were, and internally I struggled because some of these guys I'd had some real deal experiences with...

1. A guy I knew since I was a teenager, put me onto selling crack. There had been different fissures in our relationship because he was a chronic woman beater, but we were mostly cool. As I started getting away from selling drugs and he still was on that, it just changed the math for me and I distanced myself...

We still kept in touch ever so often, but around late 2020 he told me this wild story of how he snitched on a mutual acquaintance we both used to kick it with, because they left him bloody on the side of the road, but then told me he didn't actually snitch, it was a wild story. I think I only spoke to him once since then, he wasn't selling drugs by 2020 anymore but we in two different places. He asked me to come ride for him on some silly shyt and I just ignored it, we in two different places. He 36, I'm 33, and he has an actual job now but we are in different spaces...

2. A guy I knew from years ago were tight from teens in county, hung out a few times as adults post-prison, but he snaked me on some cash. You gonna see this is a theme of how some friendships ended for me, and I've never really had the heart to go at dudes I once used to ride with tough. I think there's an internal recognizance that it would hurt me more to try to get at em than not, so I deaded the relationship...

This was a dozen years ago, and wasn't even no drugs involved, he asked me to put up some money so his mom wouldn't get evicted. Wasn't a large amount, but I remember one of the last convos we had, after me trying to get my money back for months, I told him I was gonna handle him next time I saw him. This was Summer 2010, I've never seen him again. He went up on his second prison stint in August 2010, he 33 nowand has since been back to prison twice more, but that relationship died...

3. I'd known this guysince we were teenagers in county headed to prison. He started using cocaine and behaving erratically, also was hanging out with an old mutual friend I'd distanced myself from long prior. They were into robberies, I left that shyt alone years prior, and he brought homeboy to my crib once without my permission...

Ended up letting fam use one of my guns and he never gave it back, but by that time I'd already been distancing. He got locked up in November 2016 and I did go to see him in county a few times but when I heard he was snitching--->from his girl at the time---->he denied it but I ended it completely...

He 32 now and comes home in April after 6½ years and we haven't spoken in over 3 years. I have alot of love for fam but that friendship is probably over forever...

4. Another guy I knew since we were in prison, and when we got out we hung with each other a number of occasions. I fronted dude off some cash and work in 2016 and he completely ghosted me, I wasn't pressed for it but it hurt. Didn't speak to him for about 5 years, spoke to him again last summer a few times, he'll be 34 in October and still out here on the same shyt he was on a decade plus ago, trying to keep up with the young boys, flicking up online with guns...

I couldn't pinpoint why I'd even talk to him again until I realized I was contemplating snaking him to get my 5-year old debt, but I left it alone. Some things are better left in the past and I'm not trying to be involved with him or drugs anymore...

5. This guy we never actually had a falling out, I just realized we were heading in different directions. We met in county in 2010, had a mutual respect for each other, kicked it a little and kept in touch with each other...

I saw him Summer 2020, he into drugs now, that wasn't his thing when we were younger, and he really isn't a good father. Has like 4 kids and the way he talks about fatherhood really unsettled me...

Actually spoke to him this past week, he still trying to get me to come to Maine, that's what he was trying to do two years ago when I saw him. He took his hustle to Maine a few years back, none of his kids are there, and he still flirting with bullshyt in the streets. My guy is 35, I'm not with the living the same way we were a dozen years ago. So I talk to him from time to time, but we in different spaces...

6. I'd met homeboy during a county stretch in 2014-15, and not only did I hold him down in county when he had issues, when we got out and linked I held him down on the streets, almost on some enforcer shyt...

Dude was one if the richest dudes I'd been around personally, he was an elite-level scammer who wasn't really into drugs or violence, and when we met in county he was on about a year and a half bid for getting caught scamming. In 2016 he decided he wanted to get involved in drugs, he had the capital but asked me to "throw something in the pot" to increase the weight, so I did, and it was supposed to come back to me by multiples...

Man, this dude ghosted me, right around the same time the guy above did, and when I told him he owed me money, he told me I basically misunderstood the play, basically told me to fukk off. I took a lot of financial losses in 2016 🤣 but that was also the year I made the most money I ever had in my dealing "career", so I had a lot of shyt coming in fast...

Like I said with this dude, I agreed to the move because homeboy was a baller for real, way more money than I ever had, and I just saw dollar signs, like damn if I link with him on his move I'm gonna have a fat pay day coming. This was during the time I began transitioning, so that played a part in my thought process too, thought I could have a nice nest egg to retire on...

He went back to prison for scamming for two years, got out, and we spoke a few times after the onset of the pandemic. Basically told him I forgave him for running off with my bread, and this nikka offered me an opportunity to get in another one of his plays 😆. Like nah, but at least he apologized...

Haven't spoken to him in a year or so. He 36 now and in Florida eating big again, has stakes/ownership in a few clubs. He also not the kind of father I want to associate with, he has kids spread out across three different states...


I do have a girl friend I've been close with for about a decade, but we fade in and out when we get in relationships. She's 29 now, been dating this 45/46-year old dude since last fall, so we've only talked a few times this year. I don't know if our friendship is necessarily ending, we just go thru these ruts...

Had another 29-year old friend who is a woman, I spoke to for the first time in 6 years a few months ago, talked to her last month too. Cut her off back in '16 when she asked me for money. We good now though...

Have a homegirl in Georgia who is also around 29 now, just been distant with life in general. She had a stillborn earlier this year, she called me fairly often over the years but I didn't speak to her much, didn't really make much time to talk after her baby died because I'm busy with my own life. I do kind of feel like an a$$hole for that...

And had a friend from my VA days who would be about 37 now, I believe she set me up to get robbed in 2016. We were cool but that relationship changed when I stopped giving her drugs for free. Last I heard she's in the Myrtle Beach area now buy this is one of these bygones are bygones things...

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Never burn a bridge, especially a friend.

You may need them for whatever down the line.

I would say you need to communicate what the problem is and have a discussion like men. Your friend may be unaware of what they're doing to annoy you.

If you don't want to do that then just say you got busy and cease back on the communication, eventually both of y'all will go your own ways


Top 75 All-Time
May 23, 2012
I've been through this. I just stopped talking to them. It probably wasn't the best way to do it, but my other actions didn't work and they were constantly bringing down my mood. I'm generally a positive person. I couldn't deal with it anymore.

If they won't listen, I'd just end it. Good luck.

This. I just cut nikkas off. nikkas aint about shyt, not getting money. Im not on that time.

I deleted them on everything.


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys

At least use him for favors/money.