Which leads us back to last night, a small pocket of fans (very much audible on WWE TV) began chanting Husky Harris, because, you know, we're smarter than you. We remember his old character, that makes us cool! It's hardly a new phenomenon, Lord Tensai back when his new character debut had to endure Albert.... Albert... in reference to one of his former personas. Even Ryback had to endure Goldberg.... Goldberg... chants, less of a repackaging in this case, more of a second coming.
But these are smart fans, they will assert their authority over the boring minions who come to cheer John Cena by being smart, being cool. Guess what? It's not smart. In fact, it's the opposite of smart. These are the same fans that will fill Wrestlezone's Facebook and Twitter pages with comments about the fact that John Cena (one of the biggest stars in the history of the WWE, and a man who's body of high quality, main event matches is almost unrivalled) shouldn't be the top star anymore. He's boring. He's stale. He can't wrestle.
Well guess what, the more you try and act smart when you buy a ticket, the more you're fuelling Cena being on top. Because Tensai, Ryback and Wyatt were all planned for big things on début. Tensai is now Sweet T, a dancer and tag-team partner of a guy who thinks he's a dinosaur. Ryback is rehabbing himself after a losing streak on PPV that stretches back a year to the week (his last win on PPV? A handicap match vs Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins).
Now, I'll hear arguments all day about whether the Tensai character was doomed from the start (maybe it was) and that Ryback was too big a reminder of Goldberg to ignore (maybe he was), but there are two guys there that WWE had big plans for. Maybe one of them could have become the next number one guy? And you're sat there, the guys who are sick and tired of seeing John Cena on top, and you're cutting the legs out from underneath them before they've even got started.
Here's another issue with these losers. If Chris Hero would have been placed in the Bray Wyatt role these same people chanting "Husky" would be jerking off to it. They wouldn't be chanting "Hero! Hero!". They would play along because they look at a guy like Hero that he is somehow one of "them".
Newsflash to these morons. Chris Hero, CM Punk, Dean Ambrose aka Jon Moxley, Seth Rollins aka Tyler Black.... They do not give a fukk about these losers. Yes, they give credit to a promotion like ROH or IWA-MS, etc who gave them their initial break but at the end of the day EVERYONE wants to be in WWE. These losers need to stop and realize that WWE is not the devil. They are actually providing a decent living for these guys. A midcarder in WWE makes more than anyone on the indies. If these fags had it their way CM Punk would be wrestling for nickels at high school gyms.
A guy like Bray Wyatt shouldn't be heckled simply because he didn't come from ROH. Bray Wyatt is far more talented on the mic than 99% of the Ring of Honor roster right now. I can say that because I've watched. Elgin, Cole, Richards, Strong, none of them are cutting a promo better than Wyatt.
First of all, Im not that impressed by the gimmick. The creepy redneck has been done 1000 times but if it's what WWE needs to bring new blood in so be it.
On topic, it's not the fans problem. Its the WWE's problem. You cannot repackage guys that have already been on TV and not acknowledge their past. You simply CANNOT ignore it in the internet era.
They got this right with Tensai and Perfect Jr. All Bray has to do is cut a promo saying something like "yeah they used to call me Husky in the locker room now they're going to pay" and this is a non issue.
I think this really speaks why NXT Season 2 bombed so badly. Giving guys horribly bland names like "Husky Harris" and Michael McGuillicutty" and no real character direction can leave a stain that take sometime to rid even with a great repackage in the Bray Wyatt's case. I hope WWE learns their lesson in not rushing talent to TV without clear distant characters and names that make sense and are good and not the goofy, bland, orcategory.
It was wack but its a result of the extended fukkery and bad shows the WWE has been serving up for so long. When its to the point where people expect whatever, they take on an "anything goes" mentality. You didn't have crowds going rogue 15 years ago because the WWE was actually consistently giving them what they wanted to see.
I don't know what the author is trying to do with tying the Wyatt thing into defending John Cena. He's a smark but he hates smarks. He wants everyone to shut up and play along regardless of the show quality. Sounds like a wrestlefag.
people chanting "husky harris" - is a problem of wwe. people would chant michael mucgilicutty if it wasn't so hard, and johnny curtis if they cared.
wwe fukked up as always, but fortunately bray wyatt is awesome.
Lame as fukk .. "I know his past gimmick, I am so awesome!!".... STFU
So according to your logic, the proper way to enjoy a wrestling show is to sit on your hands.
did i say that? If Stone Cold came back, you'd chant Stunning Steve Austin?
If Stone Cold came back, why the fcuk would you chant anything?
your ignoring my point. Ok... Stone Cold early in his gimmick... you'd be one of the lames in the crowd chanting "Stunning Steve Austin".. correct? That's what your defending...