here you go have fun with it: men (from:theyelitsa)&src=typed_query
lmao ok makes sense. in the macro it went from gloria steinem to her slave alice walker. but for our purposes in the micro?
1. this is women, race, and class by angela the agent davis published in 1981 which led to...
2. feminist theory: from margin to center by bell hooks published in 1984 which led to...
3. "intersectionality" - term & concept created by kimberle crenshaw 1989 which led to...
4. "misogynoir" - term first coined by queer feminist moya bailey in 2010 which led to...
5. black lives matter organization - created as controlled opposition in 2014 which led to...
5. all the shea butter plantation babble from these hoes we clown up on here daily lmao
but we cannot miss the major factor here & that is ALL of the above is created in white supremacist liberal think tanks. 100% of it. nothing above comes from black folks