Why even respond or give these guys your number in the first place if you're not interested in them like that? Like that energy is unnecessary as fukk. She literally just annoying herself.
I would bet my student loans this exchange didn’t actually happen.

Along with incel status is another strange internet phenomenon that happens in echo chambers and online.
In absence of REAL interaction with the opposite sex, a lotta people make shyt up based on shyt they hear others complain about, just so they can have some drama to complain about online because the reality of their solitude is too painful.

Ive said this many times before in regards to male incels but it’s the same shyt here. I bet she made this up, just to have something to complain about. To feel important. That’s sad.

People hear the same version of the same gripes online and it gives the illusion of ubiquity. But really it’s a small number of lames, regurgitating tropes instead of genuine experiences they have themselves. These people live very insular lives. They do NOT interact with the opposite sex. They borrow drama vicariously from other’s actual interactions. For many rejects online, they aren’t angry because they’ve been mistreated. They are angry because there was nobody there to even have a back and forth with.
So if they DO get a call back, it’s HER CHANCE TO SHOW DA MAN! If this even happened at all.

Not because she is ugly, but because she has deep rooted social anxieties she masks with “fighting the patriarchy”.

Lemme tell you something. I talk shyt all day long about shytty men. And there’s some stupid male leadership aspects that I think men need to just fukking burn in terms of overarching rule, patriarchy, gender roles.
But on an individual, daily basis…who the fukk is taking ALLLADAT into positive, normal interactions with a cute guy who is making you laugh and walking on a greenway with you?!

She’s like one of those kids who don’t know how to turn off the PSN online gaming culture when they log off.
Sure! Clown your friends while you on Call of Duty, but you don’t go “Chores are fukking LAME MOM!” when it’s time to do other shyt!

This is why I KEEP emphasizing social skills. People don’t even know how to code switch and just taking theoretical battles and baggage everywhere they go, if they even going anywhere and meeting anybody ANYWAY.

On one hand it’s sad, but the a$$hole in me can’t help but

when I see entire generations become more and more autistic. And they not even BORN like that.