You Atheists, Do yOu believe in the Supernatural/Unseen?

May 15, 2012
Ah I see. Fair enough. And to be straight with you I don't deny the possibility of there being a creator beyond our comprehension. I just do't really buy the current er...suggestions as to who this guy is, his personality and so on.
We stand on the same ground here

On a side note: I find it sorta funny that pretty much most of the "candidates" that humans have come up with over the centuries are a lot like us, at the very least in character. With the major differences being in well overall capabilities (Doing godly things like sending lightning bolts or guiding the dead to the afterlife).

Feels so..."manmade" rather than something that is really outside of our understanding. God feels jealousy, lust, anger some even engage in acts of debauchery on the regular (Like Zeus lol). Stuff that we can relate to.

Addressing this side note, I believe the myths are highly, highly misunderstood. What they were meant to do is bring a percievable explanation to spirits/energies beyond what mere language can explain. Theyre not saying that they ACTUALLY do these human things like lighting bolts whatever. theyre attempting to explain the unexplainable, using things you can relate to.

How do you explain to someone what joy is?:ld: To someone who doesnt know nor has ever felt joy how can you possibly try to get him to understand the emotion/energy that is joy? The best you can really come with is "its like a butterfly fluttering in your heart, bursting through with rays of sunshine and laughing babies", am i not correct?

People like to take things literally and it ends up being a story about a "god who is literally a butterfly who flies through the sky at the break of dawn and makes baby cherubs laugh!!"

you see what im saying?

The thing is that it's hard to determine if any of the odd events that occured in the past was actually God trying to commmunicate with us. Can you give me an example of what you're talking about? Are you referring to an event that already occured, or a hypothetical one?

see below

I think that we agree that, there's no reason to deny the possibility of there being a a creator beyond what we understand. Atheism is basically this really, atheists don't deny the possibility of their being a creator, they just don't believe in the explanations and reasoning put forward by the many religions that exist when it comes to creation and the purpose of mankind's existence. basically.

Im not pinpointing a specific moment like Moses on Mount Sinai, or Mohammed in Mecca. But im asking you if you consider the possibility that "God" did speak a message to mankind, at a pivotal point in our development (mankind as a whole).

Moving further, that as i explained in the side point, that that same message was either intentionally or purposely, perverted by mankind, and the true message behind the holy scriptures we have today is lost to those who look to them with plain eyes, so to speak.

The heart of my point and my opinion is you cant shoot the originator, cause the messenger jacked up the message.

Follow me here. If you have a friend who you sent a message to. But the messenger tells your friend an offensive message. A true friend would seek you out, to confirm those words before he casts judgement on you. In that is he not just?

But if you have a friend, who hears the message, then without ever trying to talk to you says, fukk Juvenile, I dont fukk with him, ill fukk with these other nikkas instead. Would you not call him a coward and a fake friend who you did not need anyway?..


Jun 19, 2012
I believe in the supernatural and sometimes demons and ghosts. :youngsabo:

I personally believe that we get reincarnated. :youngsabo:


Mar 18, 2013
fukk yes. theres more then meets the eye when it comes to the universe... Im not gonna label it tho

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Its real I've seen one,had one run through my body like Patrick Swazy did Whoopi in ghost:pachaha:.....use to see it running through our living room and out the front door all the time and never mentioned it to nobody,it wuznt scary and I just thought I wuz outside playing to long and wuz maybe seeing things.....probaly a decade later we wuz talkin about sumthing stupid and my sister brings up the fact she saw the exact same thing running the exact same route:krs: and I had never told her I saw it.....nobody else ever saw it though.

On a sad note my brother and law just passed who my sister just married he wuz only 35 and sumthing happened with his brain,so pray for my sister if u can for those who do believe.....but I had took a nap earlier today and had a dream I was in a room surrounded by a few family members and a bunch of people I didn't know,but I remember my niece lookin real sad and I remember mostly lookin straight foward at her leading me to believe there might be sumthin wrong with her and the dream wuz about her...people were talkin and making motions but it was total the call hrs later got to the hospital and as we sitting in this little room waiting for my sister its the EXACT same scene damn near outside of a few minor details maybe,but its the same basic idea like dejavu.:snoop:....scientist can try to explain this stuff with different dimension theories they can't prove either but I don't see how that sounds less crazy then god....and I'm not trying to make anybody believe anything although I have before on here,bcuz shyt like this makes me not believe in god or moreso just think he ain't right and not care if there is or not,hard to give faith and respect and love to sumbody who just seems to let u lose so many good people too soon left and right ur whole life...I'm not even countin people that lived reckless....I'm just sayin it all sounds ubelievable even when scientist bring empty theories that try to explain it like its fact.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012

:ehh:Fair assessment.

Question. How do you feel about the premise that this "God" (whoever/whatever it may be) may at some time made contact in some form with mankind? (thereby planting a seed and setting it in motion).

if thats the case then hes on his troll shyt. cause apparently he decided to make contact with moses, and the ancient greeks, and :phile:, and the mayans, and tell them all a different fukkin story. which caused us to fight about it and disagree about it and die for it for thousands of years
